Random thought
Do you ever feel like you aren’t doing enough ?
Do you ever feel like everybody has got their life figured out but you ?
Do you ever feel like you are yet to find where you belong ?
Do you ever wonder what your purpose for being alive might be ?
These questions I ask my self all the time
What is life really about ?
What is the essence of living ?
What is the end game ??
When we die where do we go ?
Those that have died where are they ?
Do they feel pain?
Is recantation really a thing??
Is there an after life ??
And so many of us have found satisfying answers or rather answers to certain questions in religion .. which is quite okay but .. okay no “buts”
Further more, what is life ?
Do we need to find life partners ?
Is marriage a must ?
Why is it so hard for youths or young people to build honest relationships?
Is money everything? Money might just be
What do women really want ?
How do we hope to raise the future generation?
I could go on and on but I really don’t need questions I need answers ..or am I just the only one that think of these things ?? Anyways I just felt the need to put so of these down here .
Let’s see what you think ..hit me in the comment sections
Arigato ✌🏼