Licensed Antivirus, the Best Digital Body Guard; Any Free One?

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2 years ago

Virus/Malware is an app design with the intention of hurting a computer, its data or user.

Virus is disastrous and its bad effect on computer is alarming. It can mar those files you made. It can cause your Computer to slow down disgustingly and even completely hijack your 💻 PC. That hazardous digital organism called virus can encrypt (make use/meaning less) your personal/business data until you paid a ransom (this is called ransomware).

Research recorded 812.67 million malware attack in 2018 (hope your PC isn't in that infection list).

The solution to Virus is ANTIVIRUS. Install one on your PC and you'll improve its security.

Those who don't have antivirus have left the door to their PCs and personal/corporate data open to attack - having no AV is no security and using Free one means less security. Tremendous number of people go for free antivirus software. It is better you get a Licensed and Dependable Antivirus, such that comes with not just Virus/Malware protection but also gives Safe Banking while using your Credit/Debit Card, Vulnerability Scan, Cloud Protection, Anti Keylogger, Email, Browsing, Cloud and Phishing Protections. Advanced DNAScan et al.

Many of the features above mentioned do not come with free Antivirus you download online or that comes with your Windows/Mac OS. They are enjoyed when you buy a fully licensed Antivirus, MY PERSONAL CONCLUSION IS THAT: LICENSED ANTIVIRUS IS BEST DIGITAL BODYGUARD. IF KNOW ANY FEATURE-RICH FREE ONE, PLEASE SHARE.

While I wait,

REMEMBER THAT: "When you become Safe physically, remember to be Safe Digitally cos many of your Data is in the Digital Space. You are your Data, your Data is you. Protect your data and you will protect yourself. AND A GOOD ANTIVIRUS IS A GOOD DIGITAL BODYGUARD.

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2 years ago
