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2 years ago
Topics: Leadership

I have heard a countless number of people about the word Leadership. Some with evidence and some with little or no experience to make them fit to talk about the more practical aspects of human life. 

My ears had heard lots of great and highly respected people talk about this topic with step-by-step guidance on becoming a better leader. I can still hear their voices (through their books read) re-echoing in my heart. 

To mention but a few;

  • 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership - John C. Maxwell. 

  • On Becoming a Leader - Warren Bennis

  • The Art of War - Sun Tzu

  • Wooden on Leadership - John Wooden

  • Primal Leadership - Daniel Goleman etc. 

My village elders also added up to the number of people's voices I have heard on this ever-challenging topic. 

There is a saying that Readers Are Leaders. But not all readers are effective leaders. And not all who can read can lead. 

So, readers are not necessarily leaders. Leadership is more practical than theoretical. 

In my divination, leaders are those persons who can effectively communicate and exercise a certain amount of authority, not necessarily authoritative, to direct some persons in a particular way to yield the expected result or goal. 

Everybody is created to be a leader and of course, we all are leaders whether directly or indirectly. You are a leader. That's just the fact. 

Someone out there is channeling his or her life along the way you are living yours, so, you can not do, talk or behave anyhow. Did you hear me, you are not just permitted to live our life anyhow we want it without putting people into consideration. Until we realize these, our society won't be the better place that we all crave. 

A Leader must be a good listener, leaders must take away self. A leader must be free to relate to those he leads. As a leader also, you must be ready for some persons to hate you, physically and otherwise. 

There is a video about a 10years of the age of schoolgirl in Nigeria rampant on social media seen doing what mummies and daddies were meant to be doing. I don't blame the girl wholly but it's the bad leadership quality of her parents that was in play. When a girl of that age is fully active on tik tok with videos of her going almost completely naked tweaking, tell me what is expected of that girl to become in the future. 

Social media is very good. I learned what I am highly paid for through social media without paying any amount to nobody. But how many children nowadays can do that without being monitored. As a certified graphic designer, I know how to control the mindset of the viewers through what they see. When our children go online, they become what they see and hear. Parents need to braze up to be a better leaders firstly to their children. Leadership is practical not only theoretical. 

I leave you with these words. We all need to start seeing ourselves as a leader and behave like one to make our society a better place we hope for. 

Tell yourself, I'm a leader, not just a leader but a good leader adding positively to the life of people around me. 


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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Leadership
