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4 years ago

CG - Splinterlands

By (OMG)Old Man Gamer | (OMG) Old Man Gamer | 13 Sep 2020

Hello all, been elbows deep in databases getting back to work but most of the chaos has been controlled and that gives me a little time to get up in Ranks. Through building all of my in-game profits into cards to get my level is my first silver 2 League reward which was either tragic or funny (if you don't laugh, then you'll be crying)

I really try not to be too negative and this is not helping...

Been getting some very good matches lately and I am quite happy to say that I placed in the money again quite a few times this week, I am also happy to see that they did not make the competitions Whale-Only and kept the caps at the same levels. The small amounts that I win there have been helping me move up but overall it has so little effect on power level. a 0.07 cent common card only adds 15 power and I have done blogs on this before so I will leave it there. 

My checks and balances at the end of the month will be interesting when I take my current DEC and Coin totals then see how much my $ value increased in regards to my power. I can still take part in all the KME and Bronze Blunderbuss fights which will help with $ value increase and the KME, for me, is actually a good equaliser where you can work on your base strategies. I have spoken about it HERE and I am still looking for that nr.1 spot in the KME. 

So I came across a few interesting interactions as I have been playing and I find that there are a lot more misses on creatures , please feel free to let me know if I am looking at this from the wrong perspective.   

Fire vs Fire - Interesting, Sometimes you can lose the game to those misses and anyone who has played against Evasive creatures enough will tell you that too.  

Fire vs Earth - Missing, in this game the opponent was a little closer to my power but relied heavily on his Orc and Retaliate, luckily I fielded a good low level Fire Haste manoeuvre that clinched it for me

Light vs Death - Over Tanking, here the opponent chose to go with the larger Rex and it does not work out so well using only a tank and not having support from the back line. I usually go with some smaller tanks in the lower Mana ranges, and look at the 7-9 Mana troops only when I have around 20 Mana to play with. 

When you look at internal strategies then you can take a few routes in regards to battling an opponent and catching them off guard when checking their last battles, keeping in mind that they can look at yours too.

Clicking on someones profile and checking their last battles becomes a lot more relevant as you play in tournaments or at higher Leagues and you will have to make your decision quite quickly. Below you will see a bigger profile view and you will also be able to go into their collection and last battles on their FULL profile (buttons on the top right) if you have the time and you have nimble fingers.

Now you can see what they are able to bring to the field and also have much more information before going into battle (battle IQ is not underrated). I find the first view good enough for the most part but if I go up against higher power level opponents, then I have to give it a lot more thought.

Stay strong and I will see you on the battleground


OMG - Old Man Gamer 

$ 0.00
Avatar for OMG-OldManGamer
4 years ago


Looks nice of a game!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

It definitely is, they have raised the barrier to entry quite a bit but it is a lot of fun and I would say worth it in the long run

$ 0.00
4 years ago

barry barry nice

$ 0.00
4 years ago