Today I'm going to share some unknown and interesting facts about love which will surprise you. Here are those :
True love is tingling on the stomach which is the result of the flow of adrenaline hormone. This is called butterfly in the stomach. This can often be a stressful situation, even before the test begins.
People with Hypopituitarism can never feel romantic love for anyone.
Girls like a boy more when he thinks that boy is going to be the center of attraction for many other girls. 15. Children of parents over 30 fall in love with seniors more than children born before the age of 30.
When boys fail in true love, they feel pain all over the body as a result of a complex process in the brain. But it is empty before the age of 20 for girls and before the old age of boys.
Red thorns with thorns mean "true love" but red roses without thorns mean "love at first sight". The light pink rose signifies “desire”.
Frustration Attraction is when you leave your boyfriend or girlfriend and feel more love for him or can't forget him or do something creative with him. It’s our brain’s strategy for surviving depression.
Those who take more sleeping pills love less.
When we see people with love in our eyes, the social justice part of our brain does very little work.
True love is tingling on the stomach which is the result of the flow of adrenaline hormone. This is called butterfly in the stomach. This can often be a stressful situation, even before the test begins.
Research has shown that boys and girls seen in a crisis situation are more likely to fall in love with each other than boys and girls seen in a normal situation.
When you see a girl inside a group of girls, it doesn't look as beautiful as it looks alone - this thing is called cheerleader effect.
Researchers say that the age of automatic romance is 18 months. After 18 months of falling in love, our brains no longer respond to romance. But after that, if you want to maintain romance, you have to do something new, something surprising and satisfying.
The symbol of love "Love" sign is actually two hearts placed side by side. However, there are many explanations for its origin.
People all over the world fall in love an average of 6 times before marriage.
Phenylethylamin (PEA) makes you feel more romantic in secret love.
Frustration Attraction is when you leave your boyfriend or girlfriend and feel more love for him or can't forget him or do something creative with him. It’s our brain’s strategy for surviving depression.
Girls like a boy more when he thinks that boy is going to be the center of attraction for many other girls. 15. Children of parents over 30 fall in love with seniors more than children born before the age of 30.
At present, 1 out of every 5 pairs in the world is first known through the internet.
Japanese psychologists say that humans (as creatures) are never able to relate to the opposite sex only as friends.
It takes our brain 90 seconds to 4 minutes to decide "whether to love someone".
In biochemical analysis, romantic love includes Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) which we call Shuchibai.
Researchers say that the age of automatic romance is 18 months. After 18 months of falling in love, our brains no longer respond to romance. But after that, if you want to maintain romance, you have to do something new, something surprising and satisfying.
Before the 18th century, there was no love marriage in the world according to statistics and then LOL meant lots of love.
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