Point is a very important thing for read cash writters. We read cash writters write useful and interesting contents from ourselves, publish it to the read.cash platform and get points in exchange of it. These points are not fixed. No one can tell who will get how much points. It depends on some particular actions. Some authors get 500+ points per day where as some authors can not even get 50 points.
But there is a thing which can reduce the points of a author. Any top author who gets 500+ points per day, can suddenly find that his points stopped or he is getting much less points then previous. It can be happen with anybody. The reason of it can be upvote for upvote.
Yes! Upvote for upvote can reduce your points. You're getting a large amount of points everyday! But suddenly you find that your points have been stopped or you're getting much less points then before! It is because of the new rule of read.cash. read.cash has upgraded their upvoting groups detection a month ago. According to this new upgrade, if you are found doing upvote for upvote, you will get penalties for at least two weeks and your points won't increase.
Actually this new upgrade is made for preventing fraud. Some people abuse the system of upvoting. They upvote something just because they know the author. Again some people upvote because somebody in a Telegram/Facebook/whatever group told them to upvote it in exchnage for upvote. If you will do this type of action, you will be detected in upvoting groups detection. So don't do this type of action. Work honesty. Upvote the content which you really like and think worthy. It will encourage other authors to create good content.
Thank you so much for reading this post.
Right, this new upgrade is made for preventing fraud. Some people abuse the system of upvoting. They upvote something just because they know the author.