The effect of ocean floor topography on human life:(মানব জীবনে সমুদ্রের প্রভাব)

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Written by
3 years ago

Ocean are great significant to mankind in various reasons. These are as follows:

1. Climate (আবহাওয়া) : Ocean has effect of tempering the climate of neighboring region as reason in winter. Ocean has warming influence. This type of climate is very important to reach growth of grapes and other fruits.

সমুদ্রের প্রভাবে ভালো ফল-মূল হয়।

2. Regulate the flow of river(নদী নিয়ন্ত্রক ): Ocean regulate the flow of water of river during the heavy rainy season. They absorb rainfall and ensure less flood damage. It helps to maintain even water flow of river.

সমুদ্র নদীর নাব্যতা রক্ষা করে এবং বন্যায় কম ক্ষতি নিশ্চত করে

3. Source of transportation.পরিবহন

সমুদ্র পরিবহনের উৎস

4. Source of hydel power.

5. Store house of fish.মৎস ভান্ডার

মাছের ভাণ্ডার

6. Source of common salt and minerals.(লবন ও খনিজ সম্পদের উৎসহ)

7. Center of tourist attraction.(পর্যটকদের আকর্ষন)


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Avatar for Nozrul
Written by
3 years ago


The importance of the sea for human survival is immense. There are a lot of resources in the sea. Moreover, by bringing various things from other countries to our country by sea, it is strengthening our economy. And Bangladesh Navy is working as the guardian of the sea all the time.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You are right, friend. A country's economic condition mostly depend on good way of sea..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The effect of ocean floor topography on human life os a very useful article.

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3 years ago

Thank you so much for your comment.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The effect of ocean floor topography on human life this article is very usefull all of us. Thank you very much for this types of article.

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3 years ago

Thanks for your valuable opinion, stay with me, always get support from myself

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3 years ago

Nice article

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3 years ago

thank you very much friend.

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3 years ago