Pollution of air

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Avatar for Nozrul
Written by
3 years ago

Pollution is the common word now a days. Water, Air is the most effective. Water may be polluted by waste of Manufactorys. By the way I will describe about air pollution.

See this picture, It's the exhust of a ship. Black smoke is very harmful for air.If we take breath the polluted air, It will very very harmful for our lunch.

The government should take necessary stapes to privent the pollution of air.The actions of government may be Nominated the black smoke removing ship, kiln which remove black smoke and the care also.

We know that the senery of sea is very charming. But ships black smoke destroy this beauty.If this will continue, the visitors will not to come in our county. The trees could not growth more. Trees problem means our problem, because of we take the oxigen provide by the trees. And beside they take the carbon-di-oxide.

After all we have to aware about air pollution.

$ 0.02
$ 0.02 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Nozrul
Written by
3 years ago


We should stop pollution for our existence. please check my article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

absolutely friend.

$ 0.00
3 years ago