Describe the three major emotional terms.

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3 years ago

There are three major emotional terms, how are they related? Emotions are subjective experiences that are accompanied by physiological, behavioral, and cognitive changes and reactions.

Every emotion produces can different physiological responses within the body. It includes distinct changes and brain activation patterns, neurotransmitter production, and autonomic nervous system activity. For example, I am standing and minding my own business in a room. And then, everyone jumps out and surprises you because it happens to be my birthday. As an individual, I might have a distinct physiological reaction, including an increase in my heart rate due to being startled. At the same time, my cognitive process is going on as well but may vary from a different person. Cognitive reactions are mental assessments that can include appraisals of what is happening, expectations about the situation, and general thoughts about the experience. And lastly, each emotion produces different behavioral responses, which can be evident in body language or facial expression. So, in my example, I may smile, clap my hands in delight, or open my arms and hug my friends.

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