How to refresh the mind .

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Written by
2 years ago

Date. : 1 December 2022

Article no. : 08

Day. : Thursday

Lets start .

How to refresh our mind ?

Usually our brain frequency is 14 to 30htz. We operate our brain on this frequency almost all day . With this brain frequency we communicate ,act ,express emotions and do necessary things.

Beta state

When the brain is on this frequency (14 to 30 htz ) it is called a " beta state " of mind and the rays emitting from the mind in this state are called "beta waves ".


At any part of the day when we are thinking of something or event or a fantasy ,the frequency of our brain reduces to 8 to 14 htz. Or when we are going to sleep .

Yes ..,

The state of dizziness is getting worse .

Alpha state

Our brain has the same frequency(8 to 14 htz) at that time . It is called "Alpha state " of mind and the rays emitted in this state are called "Alpha waves " .

Theta state

The state of light sleep is called theta state of mind and has a frequency of 4 to 8htz . Dreams also come in this frequency.

Dalta state

The form of deep sleep is called dalta state of mind its frequency is 1to 4 htz . There is no dream in this frequency .

Characteristics of Alpha state of mind or Alpha waves .

You guyz have often experinced that we are thinking about a friend or loved one we have lost in our thoughts and suddenly we get a call or messages from that friend at the same time . This is because of our mind at that time happens in the alpha state of mind . The rays of this frequency have so much power that they can reach thousand of miles awat in the bridge and can enter someone's mind or thought.

When we are lost in out thoughts about someone thinking so the frequency of our thought enters his brain and he think about us , then he calls or messages us . It never happens that we think about someone in anger and suddenly his call comes go.

Because in a state of anger the brain is in a beta state of mind .

Meditators ..

Meditators also take their minds to the alpha state of mind so that they can enter the world of meditation. This frequency expose us to another world ,thing that cannot ve seen with physical eyes, seen in this state of mind can go.

Revelation ..

Revelation happens at the same frequency ,holiday sense work at the same frequency of discovery manifests at the same frequency .

Consciousness is received insight is received ,compassionate help is received and spiritual healing or energy healing is also at the same frequency . The wonders of the spiritual world can be seen in the same state of mind .

Evil eye..

Evil eye also occure from the same state of mind . No one can be cast an evil eye on optional . This evil eye also occures only when one think about someone on this frequency often we oueselves are silently watching our children play . If we are in alpha state of mind the our own evil eye also falls on our children .

If we learn to live and live in alpha state of mind ,we can have these benefits ..,

#We will not have stress, depression ,anger will not come .

#There will be no headache,tge brain will be fresh .And obviously ,if brain is fresh ,the body will also be fresh . Disease will come down .

#We will not be confused in daiky task .

#We will get insight,which will make us always make the right decision.

#People's intention and intentions will appear to us to an extent . And we will never be deceived .

#Our 6th sence will be sharp and we know many things ahead of time .

#New ideas will come to our mind . It will not be difficult to find a solution to a problem .

#We will alway be confidentbin ourselves in whatever work we do.

#Whatever we speak will land staright

" Power flies not but keeps flying "

#Our capacity and capacity will increase. Small things will not distrub or distrub us.

We will develop a very good relationship with the spirituak world and with our lord. We will find the reak enjoyment of life and worship . We will find ourswlves closer to" Allah ".

How we achieve this frequency of brain ?

It is very simple just like we do not have to work hard during day dreaming, we ho into this frequency by ourself. In the same way ,we can get this state of mind voluntarily.

Loosen our bodyband mind . Our muscles will be loose the body will relax . Then loosen our mind more we will feel the heat coming out if our mind blowung in the air and mind is getting cold . In the mind commotion is decreaseing and quieting .

Neurons are moving slower and calm.. When the bdain feel cool and relaxed and the brain is empties of various thoughts. This is tha alpha state of mind . We also feel slightly dizzy, could be .

If you learn to maintain this condition with a few days of hard work ,.

Then your anger ,tension , restlessness and insomnia will be solved autimatically. Your life will start to look at a higher position .

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Thankss for reading ...

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Avatar for Noshe
Written by
2 years ago


I always remain in delta sleep but I have dreams sometimes, I sleep so badly

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2 years ago