What to feed your baby after six months?

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Avatar for Noman36987
3 years ago

He is over six months old. The baby's main food is the mother's breast milk, from this time he will have to give other food as well. But mothers do not understand what kind of food to feed the baby? Again suddenly the children do not even want to eat other food. So you have to practice slowly. In medicine, this condition is called 'Wenning'. During this time, everyone in the family needs to be patient enough.

Within six to nine months, the baby's tongue develops a 'test bud' (a special type of muscle that allows the baby to perceive different foods without milk). So even if the food is small, it must be taken care that it is delicious to eat. However, it is never right to expect that a child will eat the whole thing if the food is fun. The baby should not be force fed. The needs and preferences of each child are different. If you do not eat any food for two days in a row, there is no reason to think that the child will eat that food every day. You can try to feed that food again after a week.

The baby's first meal after six months must start with sugar. For example, soft rice, boiled potatoes, if there is no problem in digestion, it is better to boil the fruit slowly. Such as: apples, carrots, grapes, ripe bananas, ripe papayas, boiled sweet pumpkins, semolina, etc.

Regarding baby food and health, Tahmina Begum, head of the pediatrics department at Bardem Hospital, said, ‘Children need to be fed freshly cooked food every day. Do not refrigerate or feed stale food. The baby’s feeding bowl, spoon and the person who will feed must keep their hands clean. ’The baby should be fed other foods three times a day for six to nine months. When giving new food to the baby, make sure that the amount of rash, vomiting or belching is increasing anywhere in the body. If there is a sudden increase in the amount of crying in the baby or there is swelling in the stomach, if there is a change in the urination, then the food should be stopped. If the condition seems serious, you must seek medical help immediately.

From 9-12 months the baby should be fed five to seven times. It is very beneficial to give vegetable khichuri at this time. If there is no problem in vegetables, rice, pulses, soybean oil, mix a small piece of chicken meat and liver in khichuri and feed it. Among the vegetables, potato, sweet pumpkin, tomato, carrot, radish, turnip, papaya can be fed.

If your digestion is good, you can try it with a little coriander or spinach. The amount of new food items should be small. Gradually increase the amount.

Children who consume more cow's or any other milk instead of mother's milk have more constipation. In such cases, increase the amount of vegetable khichuri and water feeding. And even after breastfeeding, mothers of infants who have more constipation should eat enough water and vegetables.

The baby can also be fed honey and egg yolks. However, it is better not to give honey in excess heat. The amount of honey you give is very low. Maybe two days a month. Half a teaspoon. Slowly add the egg yolks. Eat more home-made food instead of outside food.

Instead of forcing the baby to eat, feed him by playing tricks. Remember, not all children have the same preferences and needs.

Good luck to everyone.

Thank you all very much.

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3 years ago


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