Day by day the hair of the head is getting thinner, falling out, baldness is being heard in the mouths of many. There is no end to the worries about hair loss, hair loss or thinning hair. Children are all victims. Hair is made up of a protein called keratin. Hair contains 98 percent protein and 3 percent water. All we see in the hair is dead cells. Because it has no sensory cells. The hair grows by half an inch every month. Normally a hair grows to be two to four years old. Then the growth slows down. Hair grows faster in summer but less in winter. The average lifespan of a hair is two to eight years. So hair falls out naturally every day.
Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College and Hospital, Department of Dermatology and Sex, Professor Rashed. Khan said hair loss usually occurs due to dandruff, androgenic hormones, anxiety and the use of different types of cosmetics in the hair.
How do you understand hair loss?
A healthy person has an average of one to one and a half lakh hairs on his head. It is normal to lose 100 to 150 hairs every day. But reading more than that is definitely a cause for concern. Try to count the hairs that stick to the pillow, towel or comb. At least three days in a row. Or lightly pull a bunch of hair in hand. If only one-fourth of the hair in the bunch comes up, it is a matter of concern.
What are the reasons for more hair?
* • Androgenic hormones are the biggest cause of hair loss in women and baldness in men. These hormones are usually present in large quantities in the male body. Those who have more effect of this hormone on their body, have more hair loss. Androgenic hormones increase proportionately during and after menopause in women. Then suddenly the hair began to fall out more.
* Fungal infection or dandruff is one of the causes of hair loss. In that case antifungal shampoo is to be used on the hair. You may have to take medicine for this. When the infection gets better, the hair grows back.
*hair health depends on body nutrition. Hair loss is caused by a lack of carbs, sugars, fats, minerals and vitamins in the daily diet. In addition, the hair falls out of the body for a long time due to the lack of any one element.
* If you suffer from anxiety or mental problems, you may lose more hair than usual. Even the thought of being bald is bald. However, this hair loss is temporary and the hair grows again. However, if you are mentally anxious for a long time or if you can't overcome the anxiety, a lot of hair can fall out.
* Hormone deficiency can cause hair loss. For example, if the level of thyroid hormone is low or high, then the hair falls more during pregnancy and after the birth of the baby because the hormonal balance changes. This change in hormones causes the hair to grow back when it returns to its previous state. However, it may take up to a year for it to return to normal.
* Hair grows after chemotherapy for cancer treatment. Hair loss begins two to three weeks after the first dose of chemotherapy, and hair regrowth begins three to four months after the last dose of chemotherapy.
* For a particular style of hair, if the hair is tied for a long time by pulling or braided or tight, then this type of hair begins to fall out. Hair loss does not return to its previous state due to a long hair tie. As a result, this hair loss due to pulling becomes a permanent cause of hair loss. Excessive amounts of hair coloring, straightening or rebonding can increase the rate of hair loss. In some cases the hair grows back, but in many cases the hair follicles (the glands from which the hair grows) are permanently damaged and the hair cannot grow back.
* In some diseases such as: anemia, typhoid, jaundice, malaria, diabetes, etc., hair can fall out. Many times the hair does not go back to its previous state even after the disease gets better.
* After a major surgery or operation on the body, the application of various drugs, physical changes or mental anxiety can often cause hair loss. However, within four to eight weeks after recovery, the hair returns to its previous state.
Hair loss may be due to side effects of some medications, such as birth control pills, blood pressure medications, blood thinners, hormones, mental illness medications, etc.
* ক্ষেত্রে There may be hereditary reasons for baldness.
* Many of the above problems are preventable. We can easily prevent hair loss if we know the right ways to prevent it. If it does not work, you need to take the advice of a doctor.
* Eat nutritious food and adequate amount of water. Take the necessary vitamins and minerals.
* Keep hair dandruff free and clean.
* You have to live a worry free life.
* Hair color changes with age, it must be accepted. Avoid artificial, artificial colors as much as possible.
* It is better not to try to straighten curly hair. If necessary, use a roller instead of a chemical.
* Pulling hair is not right. Gently comb the hair and do not comb the wet hair too much. Fix the hair to stay soft. It is better to use a comb with teeth than a brush.
* Understand hair type and use shampoo.
* Consult a doctor before taking any medicine.
Although most treatments have improved somewhat, it is not possible to return to normal. There are several benefits to using 2-5 percent Minskidil. Lately hair is being replaced, but it is expensive