There is a nation around the world, the name of that nation is human race

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3 years ago

There is a nation around the world, the name of that nation is human race

; Cherished in the breast of the same world, the same Rabi-Shashi Mode partner

The Holy Qur'an says that man is "Ashraful Makhlukat" meaning the best of creation. On the other hand, the Bible says, "God made man after His own image." In every religion, people have been given the status of superiority. There is no difference of race, religion, caste in the creation of the Creator.

He has created every human being in a unique way with a combination of intellect, thinking and heart. From the beginning of civilization till now man has come with the recognition of his superiority at every stage. Basically, human beings have no separate identity irrespective of race, religion and caste. In fact, the only identity of man is man. Whether he is a resident of any country in the world, he is a follower of any religion, he is of any color in white-black-copper, he is of any class rich-poor, he is not his real identity.

His true identity is human identity. Vaishnava poet Chandidas has rightly said, "Man is above all truth, not above him." But low-minded people do not want to accept this fact. They have created evil practices like caste, caste discrimination, class discrimination etc. in the world for their own interest.

Such selfish people, in the pride of their finances, are trying to create artificial class inequality in the society by despising the poor and helpless people. All people take food produced from the same earth, the same moon, exposed to the light of the sun. So in fact people have no separate race, religion, caste identity; Man is the best creation of the Creator. This is his greatest and only identity.

Education: The place of man above all religions, deeds, opinions and paths of the world. People cannot be divided into high and low classes on the basis of small amount of money or race, religion or caste. The best man, who is generous in heart and devotes himself to the welfare of the people without any discrimination

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3 years ago


excellent my blowing Thousands of thanks to God. He has made us the best creatures of His creation. God is the only human being who came to earth with all. And the mob has created thousands of creations that they can use in their lives. Many thanks for sharing the quote.

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3 years ago