Kachu is a medicinal plant

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3 years ago

Kachu is a very well known plant. Kachu is more or less found in almost all areas of Bangladesh and West Bengal. On the side of the road, in the corners of the house, in different fallow lands, this kachu can be born with carelessness and negligence. There are many varieties of kachu. Some varieties of kachu have to be cultivated with due care. In addition to being used as a vegetable, some species of kachu are cultivated in tubs and gardens due to their beauty. Some of them have very beautiful leaves, some of them have very beautiful flowers. Origin of Kachu - It is estimated that the origin of Kachu is in South-East Asia including the Indian islands. Evidence has been found that kachu was cultivated about two thousand years ago. Kachu can grow in both land and water bodies. However, the number of kachus grown on land is more. Kachu is claimed to have many Ayurvedic properties. Different types of kachu- The kachu that grows spontaneously in the forest are usually called wild kachu. Not all of them are suitable for human consumption. Among the edible varieties are Mukhikchu, Panikchu, Panchmukhi Kachu, Olakchu, Dudhakchu, Manakchu, Sholakchu etc. Mukhi Kachu- Mukhi Kachu is a delicious vegetable. This vegetable is very important for kharif season. It is cultivated in all parts of Bangladesh. Mukhi kachu is also known as powder kachu, kuri kachu, chhara kachu, duli kachu, binni kachu, etc. of Bangladesh. Mukhi kachu contains a lot of vitamin A and iron. Ol kachu- It has both nutritional and medicinal value and is usually cooked and eaten as a curry. In Bangladesh, it grows in the summer season when there is a severe shortage of vegetables in the market. Ol kachu juice is given to hypertensive patients as an antidote. It is cultivated commercially in the Chittagong Hill Tracts and Satkhira region. Man kachu- The practice of feeding the tip and leaves of man kachu to arthritis patients is prevalent in every house in this country. As it has enough fiber, it helps in digestion of the body. Painya Kachu- It is probably called Pani Kachu because it is in water. However, to most people, pineapple is known as kachu. Whether it is water kachui or pineya kachui, its importance as a vegetable is widely appreciated. It is a popular vegetable especially among the people of Chittagong region. Because of its taste and nutritious and plentiful, it is also easy to cook. Cooking with kachu - Kachu roots, roots or leaves, leaves and data are all human food. Shrimp with kachu lati is one of the favorite foods of many people. There is also a lot of food that can be cooked in Kachu Lati Chachhari, Kachu Lati Roast, Kachu Lati Hilsa, Kachu Lati Korma, Kachu Lati in Mustard Bata. Benefits of Kachu - - Kachu vegetables are rich in "Vitamin A" so it is very useful in preventing night blindness. - As it is a small fiber, it relieves constipation. - Kachu contains a lot of iron and calcium which helps to strengthen our bones. - HairKachu also has many benefits in stopping fragility. - There is a lot of iodine in kachu. - Kachu is very beneficial for those who have gastric or acidity. - Patients with diabetes can eat it safely as the amount of sugar in kachu lati is low. Domestic Kachu Lati in foreign markets - Kachu Lati is being exported beyond the borders of the countryKachur Lati has been being marketed in Dhaka, Joydebpur, Tangail, Sylhet, Rajshahi, Khulna and Great Britain, USA, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Bahrain, Malaysia and Singapore for the last few years. With the cooperation and patronage of the government, it is possible to do a lucrative business in foreign market

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3 years ago
