Evil is the root of all evil

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3 years ago

Sight is a special blessing of Allah Ta'ala. Just as this blessing should be appreciated, it should be properly evaluated and used in the right place. Allah Ta'ala has told us how to use every blessing. As Allah Ta'ala has given us the power of speech and the Prophet. Through this he has determined the policy of its use. Always tell the truth. No kind of abuse can be done, no refuge can be taken anywhere, etc. Allah has also set our rules for the use of eyesight. Nothing obscene can be seen by these eyes. TV, movies, dance-songs, such illegal things cannot be looked at. Similarly, one cannot look at any stranger. Always have to preserve vision. Because, these two eyes are the gateway to all obscenity. The beginning of all obscene work, but it is with two eyes. Seeing it first with two eyes. Then slowly she drives herself towards work and pushes herself into the darkness of nudity and arrogance. That is why Islam has appointed guards at these two entrances. Every believer is commanded to lower his gaze, and this is where his holiness is proclaimed. In the Holy Qur'an, Allah says: “O Prophet! Tell the believers to lower their gaze and guard their modesty. Therein is holiness for them. Allah is fully aware of what they do. ”This statement of the Qur'an is a complete guide for the believers. In this verse, the first thing to be said is to keep one's eyes down from the illegitimate things and the last thing to be said to be the guarding of the place of shame. Preservation of shame is the latest task. The other is essential for one. In other words, in order to preserve the place of shame, one must first take care of its entrance. If you can't control your eyesight, the place of shame will inevitably become uncontrollable and unprotected. As a result, the naked door of sin will become more open. Therefore, the inevitable demand to escape from the darkness of obscenity and arrogance is to control his entrance and control his reins with a strong hand. Its door is not only sin-free but also purifies the heart. The plot of sin does not arise in the heart. Just as attention is created in worship, so the inner soul can be saved from the brutal persecution of instinct and satanic intrigue. Above all, human society maintains discipline. And this guidance is not only for believing men. Allah Ta'ala has made the same declaration towards women. Because, Allah Ta'ala has created both men and women with the same material. Just as sexual desire or attraction to sex exists in men, it also exists in female nature. So Allah Ta'ala said to them: “O Prophet! Tell the believing women, too, to lower their gaze and guard the place of shame. ”The outward and inward meaning of both verses repeatedly makes clear the fact that it is the lack of control and restraint of sight that leads to the spread of arrogance and shameCreates shivering.In such a situation, people become very emotional, lose their conscience and fall into sin. And gradually lost itself in the abyss of darkness. In this case, both men and women are identical. Therefore, Allah Ta'ala has instructed both classes to keep their eyes open. Vision is the gateway to the biological needs, the pawn and the rahbar. In the custody of sight, the place of shame and the free opportunity to fulfill biological needs / sexual needs are preserved. He who has left the sight unrestrained has thrown himself into the midst of destruction. The main basis of the misfortunes that people are immersed in is vision. As adultery takes place in the place of shame of man, so also adultery takes place in hands, feet, eyes etc. Adultery of the eyes is seeing, giving evil eye to a man or a woman to a man. The Prophet. He said that adultery of two eyes is forbidden. Adultery of two ears is listening to the voice of the bride. Yavan's adultery is an indecent statement. Touching the hand of adultery. Foot adultery is stepping into sinful deeds. Adultery of the heart is lust. And Guptang turns it into truth or falsehood. That is, as soon as a man looks at his wife or a woman looks at his other man with lust, he becomes involved in adultery.

Satan presents the appearance of the fairy in a very eye-catching manner. As a result, people are attracted to him and the desire for sin is created in his heart. Whenever the opportunity arises, it becomes a reality. Cain looked down on the beauty of Abel's wife, and as a result, he had such a ghost on his shoulders that he did not hesitate to kill his brother. He will also be burdened with all the murders that will take place till the Day of Resurrection because he has laid the groundwork for a sin like murder. Cursed are the girls who do not care about the screen, who walk around freely and who look at them with lust. Nudity and arrogance are rampant in today's society. In this case, both men and women are equal criminals. Of course, the veillessness of women is also quite significant in this case. Because of their lack of veil, evil people look down on them. As a result, they are victims of eve-teasing. So the Prophet. Both are cursed. The Prophet. He said, "Allah Almighty curses the men who give evil eyes and the women who give opportunities in sight."

In the street-bazaar hat-bazaar, Parnari often comes in front unexpectedly. As a result, an unexpected look fell on him. Such a view of the Prophet. Declared forgivable. Hazrat Ali about the situation. The Prophet. Who asked the answer to the Prophet. He said- “O Ali, if you have an unwanted sight, do not look again. Because the first sight is forgivable for you but looking again is not forgivable for you ”. Later it took the form of imagination. Imagination provokes biological persecution. And biological persecution gives birth to desire. So the desire for adultery arises only after looking at the bride. The first step of adultery is called evil eye. The first step in avoiding adultery is to avoid evil

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3 years ago
