Scraping / Kerokan, the traditional way to cure colds

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1 year ago

Scraping is one type of alternative medicine that has been done for a long time. In Indonesia, scrapings are best known for their benefits for treating colds. However, is it true that the symptoms of colds can really be relieved by scrapings?

It turns out that not only in Indonesia, the scraping technique is also practiced in other countries, such as China and Vietnam. Scraping is done by rubbing a blunt object, such as a coin, onto the skin. This technique will then produce a red mark on the scraped skin area.

These redness of the skin are believed to be a sign of wind trapped in the body and the cause of colds. The redder the scrapings are, the more wind is thought to be trapped in the body.

From a medical perspective, scrapings are considered safe to do and can even bring a number of health benefits. One of them is to overcome the symptoms of colds. Colds are a term commonly used to describe various complaints, such as feeling unwell, fever, dizziness, muscle aches, flatulence, and frequent belching.

The scraping method, when accompanied by a gentle massage, can help relieve neck muscle tension that often causes dizziness and neck and shoulder pain. Apparently, scrapings and massage are also believed to make blood flow in the body smoother.

These are the reasons why scrapings can help relieve various cold symptoms, from dizziness to feeling unwell. Scrapings can indeed bring benefits to the body, such as overcoming colds. However, you should know, the scraping method needs to be done in an appropriate and safe way.

If you want to try scraping to treat colds, you can ask someone to help you do it in the recommended areas of the body, such as the back, neck, shoulders, or arms. Before starting the scraping, ask to apply aromatherapy oil or balm on the area of ​​your body that will be scraped.

You can choose an oil or balsam that contains certain ingredients, such as eucalyptus, peppermint, or camphor. However, make sure you are not allergic to the ingredients contained in the balm or oil used.

The use of oil or balm before scraping is useful to make the surface of the skin smoother, so that the scraping can be done more easily and with less pain. In addition, the ingredients in aromatherapy oil or balsam can also add to the feeling of warmth and make the body more relaxed.

Also ask the person doing the scraping to scrape slowly first. When you are used to the pressure from scrapings, then ask him to increase the speed and strength of the pressure to your liking. With scrapings, it is hoped that the cold condition that you experience can be resolved without the need to take drugs.

However, if the cold does not subside or is accompanied by certain symptoms, such as persistent vomiting, high fever, or chest pain, immediately consult a doctor to get the right treatment and according to the cause.

Thank you for reading to the end, hopefully useful and have a nice day.

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