Keep spirit even though it hurts

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1 year ago

There is no human in this world who wants pain. Yes, illness is a body condition that most people want to avoid. Everyone wants to always be healthy and look fit, right? However, there are times when the body experiences health problems so that we cannot carry out routine activities as usual.

When prolonged pain whacks, sometimes a sense of despair approaches. Instead of praying for self-healing, there are even worse suspicions to the Creator. Wow, do not let you experience this. What should we do when we are sick so as not to lose our spirits? Here are some suggestions for what we should do when we are sick.

-Think positively

Be kind to the Creator who has destined you to experience this pain. Why? When we think positively, whatever the worst thing we will face calmly. Rest assured that all diseases have a cure. After hardship, there must be ease.

With illness, we will feel the pleasure of being healthy. With pain too, we will appreciate the little things that we take for granted. Maybe when you are healthy, you can walk easily to the bathroom without difficulty. Now, when the pain is whacking, let alone going to the bathroom, it will be difficult to get out of bed. Of course you will appreciate every effort you put in or someone's help to go to the bathroom. So, there is a lesson to be learned from the condition of your body as a sign of love from God. So, always think positively about what happens to you, including when you are sick.

-Don't Complain

Often In this digital age, writing about what we experience on social media is common. Likewise, when we are sick, we can easily share our condition with millions of people out there via social media. Social media does help to convey information quickly so that your condition can be known by relatives who live far away. However, social media is often an inappropriate place to vent and complain.

You may find motivation from other users, but not infrequently, even cause anxiety due to the comments of someone who is not responsible for your social media. As a result, you don't get a solution, just a new problem that adds to the burden on your mind.

For that, try not to complain too often about the pain you are experiencing, especially on social media. Just complain to the doctor and the closest people who are solutive and support your recovery. If we complain too often, our family and people who take care of us will slowly feel uncomfortable too.

-Do Positive Activities

Is your hobby reading, writing, or making crafts? Maybe when sick, the body can not do activities as usual. However, it's not impossible to do a hobby that you haven't done in a long time because of your busy activity. Maybe now is the time to develop your hobby. The important thing is not to do useless activities such as gossiping or watching television shows that are not useful.

-Keep Praying

Contemplate more to improve yourself and keep praying for healing. Perhaps, this is the right time to reflect on the mistakes we have made. Whether it's the fault of family, friends, or relatives who we rarely visit because of the density of our daily activities so far.

-Medicine to the experts

Find the right medical professional to cure your pain. Don't go to shamans or psychics who clearly don't make sense. Find more information on the internet about the disease you are suffering from, as well as alternative medicine as an effort to heal from the illness you are suffering from.

So, those are five things we can do when we're sick to keep our spirits up. Hope this helps and thanks for reading.

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1 year ago
