Understanding thought vibration will make you a successful and wealthy person.

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3 years ago

How and really what is Thought Vibration?

We’ve all heard people talking about “positive vibes” or “negative vibes,” as in, “That person gives off negative vibes.”But did you know that science has proven that it’s true?Your thoughts can give off both positive and negative vibrations and other people – in fact the entire universe – can pick up on them.There is actual energy created by thoughts and it has been measured by the science known as applied kinesiology.David Hawkins in his book Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior goes through how he is able to calibrate people’s emotions and how those emotions have an impact on us all.To boil it down, Hawkins tells us that our mind and how vibration of thought connects us to the rest of the universe.

What are your thoughts connecting you to?

Are you connecting to positive things, like love, acceptance and a willingness to help others?Or are you connecting to fear, guilt and shame?by the way, is a thought vibration calibrated to be only a notch or two above death!Imagine how that impacts those around you, for good and bad.Our thought vibration is what creates our energy field or aura – if you enter a room tense and in a bad mood, others pick up on it.If you enter in a good mood, people will be drawn to you.Carl Jung’s Universal Consciousness or “Collective Unconscious” tells us that one mind is shared by all people and it is the collective memory of human experience.The Global Consciousness Project at Princeton University in the United States is monitoring our “global consciousness.” The Global Consciousness Project was set up to study interactions of consciousness with physical systems.By studying significant events and dates in history, they are working to prove that we are all connected.

Thought vibration is also related to the Law of Attraction.

Have you ever noticed how certain people experience misfortune over and over again?

While others enjoy success?

Or have you ever been in a foul mood and then found yourself in the company of someone so upbeat that you immediately felt better?

For better or for worse, we are ALL connected.

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3 years ago
