How I advertise my Read.Cash links

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Avatar for NinoJade
4 years ago

I am using a site called time bucks to earn money per unique clicks on the link

Click here to sign up on time bucks

Time bucks has a feature where you can earn money by getting people to click your links. It is a great thing since YOU CAN ENTER ANY LINKS YOU PREFER.

On this goal, I entered my referral link on Read.Cash

After that, I copied their provided link which you can earn for up to $0.006 per click.

To shorten the link, I went to bitly to have their service. And then I wrote an ad.

Are you interested in making money by just writing?
Sign up to the link
Scroll down and press continue
And start earning your income
You can earn here, through reading and writing contents. Honestly I am earning $1 per day.

Did you get what I just did there? Even if they will not sign in as my referral on, I still earn money from them by just clicking through my link.

This is a very great idea, since most of the clicks I get doesn't even become my referrals. I am actively bringing newcomers on the site.

And that's not all, if they sign up to, my affiliates would go up and boost my earnings. They can earn, if they are interested, which is great and it is a win win strategy. I suggest you should click the bitly link to help me earn more.

$ 0.00
Sponsors of NinoJade
Avatar for NinoJade
4 years ago


Nice idea.. can you teach me how?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Sign up to time bucks, provided in the article...

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Done.. i dont know whats next .. do u have messenger?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Go to the earn tab and click the Links.... You will see the same thing as I screen shot..

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow it is a nice idea of you, it's a win win process because of using the paid shortlinks, you get earning from every clicks and you get earn to for Every sign up to your referral in

Great mind. Keep doing something like this. You will. Promote readcash platform in many ways.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks for your support. I will continue to bring in more tricks to maximize the earnings

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yeah , I would like to see some of your tricks too 😊

$ 0.00
4 years ago

sure, I will continue to post some of them on this platform

$ 0.00
4 years ago