#4th. Gone bad with a promise to do good

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Written by
1 year ago

I went for the exam today after preparing for the exam since last few days. After getting the question in hand, I realized that I can do everything. The exam will be good but at the end of the exam it was found that I did very poorly in the exam. My performance is not sufficient as I expected to be.

From today my semester final exam has been started. I was really very excited about this exam becuase my preparation wasn't very bad so it was a very good chance for me to do well in this semester.

Why was I very excited and hopful for the exam?

Lejt me first explain the marking system.

  • Incourse( 10)

  • Assignment (5)

  • Presentation (5)

  • Attendance (5)

  • Mid term(25)

  • Final(50)

We have total 8 semester in 4 years. 2 semester every year. Each semester contains incourse, assignment, presentation, attendance, mid term and final. In a semsester, Incourse is the first exam of 10 marks which starts the journey of exams during the semester. Incourse exam is basically taken earlier when the course teacher completes one fourth or one third of the course. and when the teacher completes two third of the course mid term exam is taken which contains 25 marks.

And on the basis of number of days present in the class during the semester attendance marks is given out of 5. If someone is absent without major problem, his/her attendance mark will be cut off fractionally.

Teacher select a topic and give a task to complete. And we students complete and give that to the teacher for 5 marks. Like, last time a few days ago, we made a poster on Acid & Base.

Presentation is almost the same as assignment. Teacher gives us topic, we make slides with the topic on microsoft power point. At the day of presentation we put on formal dress and present our work through projector infront of the class and class teacher. Here we are given marks out of 5.

All these incourse, assignment, attendance, presentation mid-term are called continuous together. The continuous marks is counted by the addition of incourse, assignment, presentation, mid-term's marks and it is 50.

Every course exam in a semester occurs by 100 marks. Students scores out of 50 in continuous and the other 50 in final.

I have a belief that I will get 42 easily out of 50 in the continuous of this course exam today. If I could score at least 40 in the final 50 it would be a total of 80 or more and that would bring A+. But I am upset because I couldn't even answer 40 marks in the final 50. I think I will get 30 here and the total will be 70 ( assumption) . 70 marks is count for 3.5 GPA score. In other courses, If I can't do that much well, this good result could push my result a bit better. I have to get the average result 3.5 GPA.

My performance in past 2 semester semesters was really very bad. I need to push my result to better. This semester's result will help me to increase my average CGP a in respect to the total 8 semester. This is a great opportunity to take back me to the track again. Past semester's were very bad because of my depression, illness and so on.

I have a dream now to go abroad for my higher studies. For that I need to score well in academic life. I wish I will be able to fulfill my dream. Am trying to working hard but less concentration is one of the biggest hindrance here.

Hopping that next exams will be better. Wish me luck!

Thank you for your valuable time.

$ 2.93
$ 2.90 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @tired_momma
Avatar for Ninem
Written by
1 year ago


Yey! That's very nice to hear it from you. If you know you can do it, you will surely will! Very best of luck and God bless you in everything. May your dreams and goals become a reality! In Jesus name, Amen!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thank you dear. I am trying to make all the things in my life better. Hope I will be able to. Thanks again ❤️

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1 year ago