Quarantine struggles

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Avatar for Nicko11
4 years ago

Its been 3 months since the lockdown here in the Philippines and at the begining I was honestly thrilled, I thought that since it only took a month for China to somewhat recover then that also the same as us.

But boy I was wrong, For one I am a student before the announcement of the commu ity quarantine I was studying for my midterms and it was hard. I've been an honor student, I used to aced quizzes and exams but for some reason I cant do it anymore now. So when the President announce cancellation of everything I was happy cause I thought I could now have more days to study but fate decided to play me. The lockdown keep getting extended and my family just keep struggling as now my Mom no longer have a job.

I wish all would go back to normal already cause I feel like Im going insane with all the things that just keep getting worst.

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