Live Like that...

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Avatar for Niazi
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3 years ago

A rat was making a burrow in a farmer's house. One day the rat saw the farmer and his wife taking something out of a bag. The rat thought that maybe there was some food.

Upon closer inspection, he discovered that she was a rat.

Sensing danger, he went to the back of the house and told the pigeon that a rat had entered the house.

The dove joked, "What about me?" Which one do I get stuck in?

The frustrated rat went to tell the rooster.

The rooster joked, "Brother, this is not my problem."

The frustrated rat went and told this to the goat ... and the goat started laughing and running away.

* That night there was a rattling sound in the rat hole in which a poisonous snake was trapped- *

In the dark, the farmer's wife pulled out his tail, thinking it was a rat, and the snake bit him.

When his health deteriorated, the farmer called Hakim.

The sage advised him to drink pigeon soup.

The pigeon was still boiling in the pot

After hearing the news, many relatives of the farmer came to visit and for arranging their food, the chicken was slaughtered the next day.

A few days later, the farmer's wife died ... There was no choice but to raise a goat at the funeral and death feast ...

* The rat had gone far ... far away ............ *

Next time someone tells you their problem and you think it's not my problem then wait and think again .... * We are all in danger .... *

If one member of society, one class, one citizen is in danger then the whole country is in danger...

Get out of the realm of caste, religion, and class.

Don't be limited to yourself - feel for others

$ 0.00


fantastic article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanku... I will try to Produce more like that.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Beautiful and amoral story appreciations from me bro

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you bro

$ 0.00
3 years ago