Lesson Learned

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Avatar for Nhette02
3 years ago

The movie A Silent Voice / A Shape of Voice have given me a lesson.

This movie covers how Shoya Ishida who had lots of friends are despises and being hated by all because of the merciless and bad thing they made with Shoko Nishimiya who was deaf. As I watched how they played and bully Nishimiya like that, I wondered what if that thing happened to me? Maybe I won't last too long and I will transfer to another school like what Nishimiya did.

As soon as Nishimiya transferred to another school, Ishida became miserable and end up to the point of committing suicide because of what's happening to him. Imagine, all of his friends who also bullied Nishimiya denied what they did and pass it all to Ishida. Sadly, all of his friends end up bullying him.

Until Nishimiya and Ishida meet again. I admire Nishimiya from what she did and i've proved that no matter how big Ishida's sin against her she still managed to forgive him and make friends with him.

Although many hates Ishida, he found a friend named Nagatsuka. Eventhough he heard a lot of Ishida's bad stories, he still managed to stood by his side. His only looking forward more of the good things that Ishida has done to him than the bad things he heard.

Until Ishida's friends reunite. At first he struggled to keep in touch with them because of their bad past and also Ueno who was angry with Nishimiya. She blames Nishimiya for what happened to Ishida. Even if she didn't do anything wrong but just to make friends with them.

I have learned here that no matter how big or bad mistakes that you've done, as long as you have learned to deal with your mistakes and apologize with all your heart, the person you hurt will forgive and accept you.

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A Silent Voice it's a good work. well, you watched the animation but if you like you can read the manga too. the manga's so good. both story and art.

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3 years ago