Crispy Malunggay Chips

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Chips is one of the most snack that everyone loves to eat. But what if I tell you that you can turn your chips in more crispier and healthier way? You don't believe me? Better try this recipe I'll share with you.


  • 1/4 cup minced Malunggay leaves

  • 1/2 cup cornstarch

  • 1/4 cup water

  • 2 eggs

  • Salt and pepper to taste

  • Ice cubes

  • Cooking oil


1) In a bowl, put 2 eggs (crack it shell first) and add salt and pepper. Beat the eggs, after beating it set aside.

2) In another bowl, put cornstarch, water and gently mix it until the cornstarch dissolves.

3) Pour the beaten eggs into the dissolved cornstarch and mix it again. Make sure to mix it properly.

4) Add the minced malunggay leaves in the mixture and mix it again.

5) Add ice cubes in the mixture.

Note : Ice cubes makes the chips more crispier.

6) Heat the pan, pour in the cooking oil. Once the cooking oil is hot, turn it down into medium heat for the chips will not get burn easily. Using a spoon or scooper, scoop a little amount of the mixture and pour it into the pan. You'll know if it's already cooked when it turns golden brown.

7) Once it's cooked put it into the strainer to make the excess oil drip off.

Note : If you don't have strainer you can use paper towel.

Serve it with vinegar dip or any dippings you love. Enjoy !

$ 0.00


Cool.. it's really delicious and healthy dish, I like to make it too.

$ 0.00
3 years ago