Anyone or everyone known this kind of token?? Just wanna share to you guys about this kind of token I just encounter lately, for now it does not have list or belong to any exchanger crypto site. But no loss if you tried to claim this said token. If you interested click this link
Here some info about it.
First create and get account of this token. Here the site
ZENHUB was created as a tools for communities growth, creating an easy bridge between new users and their ecosystem. ZENHUB rewarding with ZEN, offering an easiest and free way for users to received and send their first transactions. It could give them the opportunity's to start their exploring and learning with awesome products, for free!
How to use the Faucet
Also gives addition 20% using Brave Browser for claiming Zen.
Every 24 hours or everyday you have a chance to claim Zen in their faucet.
What is Zen Address?
Every one known this for every token and crypto claiming which stored your crypto currency. This needed you to have. There are two choice to choose. First is desktop wallet which is Sphere by Horizen and second mobile wallet which is Zen Wallet.
You also need to verified your address to get additional reward and fast transaction here's some video how to do it.
For Sphere by Horizen
For Android
You also have bonuses for claiming everyday and accumulated a star:
Day 2: 1.2 x Reward, Day 3: 1.4 x Reward, Day 4: 1.6 x Reward, Day 5: 1.8 x Reward + Bonus Round, Day 6: 2 x Reward
Bonus Round
After claiming for 5 consecutive days and getting 5 star you can spin the lucky draw. A bonus round can rewards up to 1 ZEN, possibility to win are 0.00135, 0.1 and 1 ZEN, there's a greater probability to win the minimum reward than winning the 1 ZEN reward.
Referrals Reward
Every referred account can also get you some zen rewards:
First tier - 20% for every claim Second tier - 10% for every claim
Third tier - 5% for every claim Fourth tier -3% for every claim
Linked Account Bonus
Linking your social media to your account gives you a multiplier to your claim faucet.
Hold Bonus
Holding your ZEN for 24 hours also gives additional Zen.
Hey how ro claim the dropz? ðŸ˜