The theory of Social Influence by Small Impacts

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3 years ago

With the advance of globalization, the capitalists countries have raised the amount of information that a single person can obtain, because of the wide spreading of the internet.


“With the growth of the web and the massive use of information technology, the quantity of data generated and available has been growing exponentially. In this context,  a virtuous cycle of supply and demand is established, because the increase in the necessity of data and information, propels the development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and consequently, the evolution of the capacity and the amount of technological tools made possible this expressive growth in data and information production.” Thiago Ávila, consultation advisor of Open Knowledge Brasil


This trivial movement brought self knowledge as a lifestyle, allowing the free flux of information on a global scale. The increase of the productive technological process allowed the changes in political leaders, which took away the control of the socialist left from their recent political protagonism. This organic process of rapidly shared information was not expected by the main poles of social influence (the mainstream) on a great scale. The reading and production of information by people who used to be guided by the media industry has generated a conflict over political control, contributing to a political polarization which has impacted society. This polarization is normal in a zone with less informational control, because the main characteristic of the established political environment is informational asymmetry 7(The utilized term refers to an entity’s capacity to possess more information than another. This term is utilized in the field of economics, however, in this stretch it refers to the lack of political knowledge)  and the lack of non-filtered knowledge.


We then have, as consequence, the revolt of the big political influencers against the freedom of the internet, which allows the formation of opinions, even with all the ideological directionism effort, allowing the maintenance of the contradictory actions continuously.


The high demand for information outside the governmental and mediatic industry demonstrates the veracity of this movement which requires approval by the government and by scientists for being “true” (Fake News control filter).


The Big institutions that practice those methods of social engineering on a daily basis with the goal of exerting social directioning can’t fight the free flux of information generated by individual activists, who work in the internet in a organic manner, not caring about the authority of an university degree validated by the very own influential entities.


To combat this difference in an efficient manner, the organizations who stand in an ambient of maximum influence together with a branch of the far left political movements have created a method of direct and global social control. The zone of influence increases each time that big impacts strike the world, like wars, conflicts, elections and even very infectious diseases.


Seen that crises are promoters of new opinions and restructuring of economies, the big organizations and political movements utilize the method of Small Impacts of Social Influence every year, creating an ideal directionament to society, this which is not debated, it is imposed.


The State enters as a great daily influence machine of social practices, forcing citizens to behave according to the current methodological catastrophe. The methodology pleases all progressives, by interrupting the rise of new young aspires to the liberal and conservative right, defeating them in all elections.     


What matters to those entities is the precarization of the economy and a process of slow recovery, in search of a continuous growth. On the other hand these organizations offer intellectual capital to legitimate repression in big countries with total control over the flux of information, like China, Russia, Venezuela, Argentina and France.


It took a hefty control network driven by a systematic emotional trigger, which was expanded throughout the west. Covid-19 did this job with 100% efficiency and created the largest zone of influence that has ever existed, being able to control social practices all over the world by the guidelines of a world organization tied to the Chinese Communist Party.


The projection of this method is clear. From now on, it is expected at least one big impact per year followed by at least some other small impacts of smaller influence, aiming to modify the flux of elections, the production of information, the mass devaluation of the economy and of personal freedoms.


The method of Influence by small impacts is based upon a set of social engineering tools, both in the technological field and in the scientific field. One of the tools is the directioned scientific production, that being, a production where there is already an expected fundament, where a false justification is created for the final objective, which has already been decided by social conventions of left wing movements.


The control of the world is not something present only in fiction, in fact it is a real goal and reachable in the long term, this has motivated wars and geopolitical disputes over the centuries.


That said, to revert such fluxes is possible in theory, although more complex in actions, where it is necessary to realize the deconstruction of all influential movements guilty of these kinds of international pressure, the curtailment of governmental duties, of security and of healthcare. These actions are financially supported by big corporations and even by governments like those of the USA, China and Brazil.


Deconstruction: The first step would be to realize the cut of these capital transfers to those institutions, followed by an effective dismantling of midiatic notoriety. The fact is that a lot of the big conservative politicians already have this in mind, which includes the President of the United States, Donald Trump, who has cut spendings and weakened the respect attributed to a chinese world health organization.


Despite the actions taken by other big organizations and companies being also effective in the direct confrontation of particular international social control unities, there are also methodologies which ordinary people can utilize to avoid the increase of influence of these organizations and political movements in the national stage.


One plausible attitude is to not financially support political movements of which there is no direct connection with lead members, or if there is no type of contract about the sought goals, subject to future judicial actions. It is also worth bringing up that the deliberate divulgation of those who claim to offer a “lifestyle” or a “fight for the good” of humanity, must be coldly examined and reconsidered, because this type of action grows rapidly and utilizes free and organic sharing by people to legitimize themselves as social agents.


It is possible to, under a critical view, recognize initiatives who attempt against freedom of expression and of private property, like environmentalists actions, minimalists, vegans, landless movements (mainly referring to MST a brazilian movement who seeks to expropriate lands) and further actions who work on the internet to grow their mass of supporters, seeking to enter an maximum influence ambient.


You can also imagine people who particularly represent a great amount of influence, however, one person can hardly be able to realize social change without a structured group for such, which will revert the influence of the influencer.


The main way to combat the current means of influence is to not take part in them and not to contribute with them, an easy task at glance, but which, a lot of times is neglected by the lack of knowledge or by the ingenuity of modern young people.


What are the small impacts of influence?


Strictly speaking, small impacts of influence (SII), are minimal forms of influence from different actions which converge to the total control of society. For each field of knowledge, there is an active progressive action. For each alternative behavior, there is a point of arrival for the control of the social fabric’s behavior.


This action starts in a basic form, whose job is to provide the starting and simpler knowledge of action. Broadly speaking the basis denotes a simple and harmless statement, which can be a trivial idea for all people at first glance. These small and inviting ideals are what govern the whole process of the evolution of critical thinking until its arrival to the extreme opposite, the final resolution of that initial notion, referred here as resultant. This logic allows the creation of a political action without any questioning, because the organic structure has already been developed in order to accept the more complex notions.


This process evolves into several fields of knowledge in a coexisting and not interdependent manner resulting in the variation of ideas raging from the more simple to the more complex and ludicrous ideas.


Following the structure below, we can observe an example of how these variations reach their extremest point.


First a initial idea is presented, a field which I will use as an exemple:




This is the main idea, simple, harmless, not politized.


My Movement will now act upon this idea, maybe on the internet?




Now we have a worked idea which implies a restriction of the array, an even simpler idea, harmless, not politized, but now we have a specific array of those who now want to know more about “healthy eating”, we can call this idea basic form, because we have not yet defined anything from it.




Coming from a basis idea, we arrive where a person who seeks or receives an idea can probably arrive. This is a variant idea, where my action offers itself as an alternative in order for having a “healthy eating” lifestyle, a resulting politicized version, restricting any with an active Political Movement.  The decision taken by the individual from this variant is called the resultant. We’ll see further proofs further up.


Other examples:


Field > Human Rights; Environment; Sex.

Basic Form > Disarmament; “Saving the planet”; Gender Ideology.

Variant > Gun Control Movement; Environmentalist Movement; LGBTQ+ Movement.

Resultant> Increase in crime rate; “Plastic straws ban” (referring to an brazillian legislation); “Sexualization of Children and Pedophilia”.


These fields of knowledge offer the simpler form from which it is created the basic form, which can be any basis idea for the initial development of an influence process. Some simple ideas are already radical even in their basic basic form. These are just some examples, being this diversity far greater then what we can process. However, the core is how ideas are shaped by influencers in the sense of modifying the structure of thought of society as a whole. With some of these ideas resulting in their own contradiction.


The vegan way, for example, offers a harmless zone of healthy eating, however, as the idea is further shaped by action, it results in a acting political form:


“The vegan ideology consists in defending and preserving the rights of animal freedom. The term vegan, emerged in 1944 by a group of people in London, including the english man Donald Watson, who dissociated himself from the Vegetarian Society and for ideological reasons, the Vegan Society. The vegan and International Relations student at the Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Renata Padilha, tells that she decided to cut meat consumption after a volunteer work in Greenpeace in the year 2016, from which on she would search for information in documentaries: “At first, I was shocked with the information bomb that had just arrived at my life, making me see my lifestyle with different eyes. It was then that I decided to reduce my consumption and to get my body used to the absence of animal meat”. A Fabrício Lemos and Helaíne Fagundes text (Em Pauta).


All current lifestyles and simple ideas have their origin in past action which continues to influence people over the decades. These acting and influential forces are present in Renata’s development, contributing to the formulation of a new world perspective and social behavior.


An allegation by a famous vegan website caught my attention:


“In a certain way everyone in the world is a radical. Most of us are radically against violence, radically against child abuse, injustice… There is nothing wrong with being a radical in questions we deem fair” Vegan Society Org


The developed extreme result from simple ideas leads to the self consciousness of the radicalism it carries. In the same way, a minimalist lifestyle has been developing its basic form and becoming ever so more complex, where the result will be the extreme opposite, an action against the market. These small impacts of influence receive small investments of bigger organizations, which are already in a position of maximum influence.

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3 years ago
