My first post here on READ. (introduction)

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Avatar for Nerro_Kruise
2 years ago

27th March, 2022

Good Afternoon and happy Sunday ladies and gentlemen. Happy last Sunday of March, 2022. This month's ending is so important t me as it marks my welcome and beginning of my journey here on platform. I feel good to say that it is one of my achievement of this month. As a first timer, I urge everyone to beat with me and flow with my possible imperfections because I know with time, I would be doing better. Am so happy for this platform and for real, expecting more smiles on my lips as time goes on.. Thank you so much as you read with me.

My name is Nerrocci, which means literally a water body. It a pleasure and honor to be among the readers I have been hearing about over time. I was first introduced to this platform at the beginning of this month of March. Well, pardon me to day that I didn't grab the chance at that time and I still never predicted that today, I will be one of the members. This Sunday turns to be one of my best Sundays of this month too because my elder sister was delivered of a baby boy yesterday at noon and today again, happens to be my younger sister's birthday and the day I opened my read account too. I feel like I have just used a stone to kill three birds! dear readers, please join me welcome my new nephew and a very big happy birthday to my lovely sister; Sylvia. Am the happiest guy on earth now, sorry to say.

When I first heard of read, I felt like it was all about popups and adds that carry headlines on out phoned and other internet devices. Even when my friend gave out his time to explain and take me along, I still would be adamant. Sorry bro! I would have been numb or something, my apologies here bro.. I am not really a person like that even though I am most times dramatic and play around with serious words, but I still read the walls and count my teeth with my tongue. From the first time he told me about writing or blogging in a more professional language, I understood what it means but I never for once imagined myself writing long articles and doing that everyday as he said. At a time, he said something about crypto and I kept quiet because I have a thing with what I call "the future is here" I mean crypto. I so much believe in crypto currency and I won't hesitate to have any available one. When he said I could turn my profit to Bitcoin Cash, at first I heard Bitcoin; all mighty BTC in cash! wow I was like tell more bro! he then made some explanations and much time having been wasted, he readjusted his time for something else.

I got back and took some research about this read and cash something and then got more information on it. I had earlier been attracted by the money or cash mentioned but I now realized that it not just the cash it the passion of writing. I could like the cache but can't write a blog, but I will always write a blog and cash that crypto with passion. This is just one unique thing about read that I love so much. You don't just write, you get encouraged and can even be sponsored by others in the read family. From my deep research, I found that this is not like other fraudulent sites like one of my friends was used by one website last month. She told me about the site but I loss interest at sight. I remembered warning her and she was so much interested in making referral money than hearing a referral advice from a computer scientist like me. Well, her experience thought her best and she came back to me in green look. Sorry friend! I told you. Now , she's my next target. I wanna bring her to read cash because she is a good story teller and could write about adventures those days in college. I just wish I win her reading heart. Read is really unique

About myself...

Dear friends from all around the world, I wish to tell you more about me and I will be happy if you know more about me and me about you. Nerrocci is from a family of five, I am the second after my elder sister Stephanie but I can't possibly be the last born because I have a yummy looking younger sister Sylvia whose birthday is today. Just the three of us given birth by our parents before their ugly divorce. Till today, I still wonder why people would say "I do" before God in the holy alter and go before man in an office and say "they don't". I was hurt when my parents got divorced even though I blatantly refuse to agree they are not together anymore. I sided none of them and still speak with both of them always. I take time travelling to see my dad and spend time with him and after, I come to stay with my mom. After having three kids, I think it a dumb reason to file a divorce. Well it happened and I couldn't change that, so they were the ones who divorced not me, I didn't divorce them. They are my parents and I love them forever. I am good with them and they are cool with me too.

Hobbies and believes

I love crafts and art works. They say alot and pass messages to the world. I love nice sculptures and modeling. I am also a lover of sports and I take some time learning martial arts. Not for fight but rather the arts involved. I just love to train and keep fit for myself. My siblings will always tell me to help them in flat tummy workout which I do for them easily from my martial arts experience. When it comes to diet, I love fruits so much and feel like eating them all day but just because they are fruit, they can't always cure hunger but rather invite hunger. I love good soup with vegetables and I could boast of eating all the food on earth even though I am yet to travel abroad. I just don't select food like my younger sister Sylvia does. I eat all meat and sea foods.

I also love playing soccer and basketball because of my height. I appear to be tall and people will always suggest I train. for volleyball each time I am on my sports outfit. I am a lover of sports and I stay at the post when I play my football with my team. I made good team and we are recognized everywhere.

I am a Christian and I believe in God. Since the day I was born into catholic, I have stayed and improved my faith in God. I believe in unity and power of unity. I am also a man of culture as I don't joke with my people's identity. I fo to festivals and carnivals,Yes! but I don't wear masquerade; lols! My social life is highly rated by friends as I associate with everyone around me. We are all one people of maybe what people assume to be different color. No room for favoritism In my dictionary. I just love myself and my life style.

Dear readers , I hope I am welcome to the family as I earnestly ask for your support and guidance in this my journey here. All thanks to everyone who read this introduction of mine and I hope to subscribe to you all and share ideas together! Happy birthday to Sylvia and welcome to the world my new nephew. Thanks@Sammy1 for the invitation n this platform. Happy Sunday once again and have a lovely day. Let's read together Love

@Nerro_Kruise 2022 and all rights reserved

all images are from unsplash

$ 0.08
$ 0.05 from @J.Matty
$ 0.02 from @MichaelBCH
$ 0.01 from @BCH_LOVER
Avatar for Nerro_Kruise
2 years ago


Hey Nerro. Welcome to read cash. Pleased to meet you, enjoy your stay, More BCH to your wallet. ♥️♥️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hello @Nerro_Kruise. Welcome to the platform. It's good that you have finally made your account here. I hope you will enjoy being here interacting and sharing your thoughts to others...Happy birthday to your sister Sylvia and welcome to the world "nephew of @Nerro_Kruise

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks so much for your wishes

$ 0.00
2 years ago