How can I overcome anxiety.

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Avatar for NatuyNi.-89
3 years ago

Everybody makes mistakes so dont be so hard on yourself. A great way to begin dealing with this would be to have a to-do list ready for all the things that need to be done. This way you could train your brain to remember what needs to be done when and this will then become a habit. Most importantly self doubt stems from self criticism so forgive yourself and make an effort towards rising above your anxiety.


1. Exercise daily like joging, playing outdoor games with friends, running etc. It will increase serotonin level in brain naturally and calm down nervous system by burning stress harmones, that will decrease anxiety. Exercise is a natural antidepressant.

2. Do Yoga like anulom vilom ,Bhramri(best), bhastrika and kapal bhati for relaxation of body and mind at least 30 min daily. (MOST IMPORTANT)

3. Eat vit-b complex rich foods, potassium, magnesium and calcium rich foods. (IMPORTANT)

4. Try these excellent herbs, Ashwagandha cap. (500 mg) , Madhukaparni(gotu kola) cap. (500 mg) and cod liver oil 2 to 3 times a day. (IMPORTANT)

Note:- Don't take herbs along with medication.

5. Sleep for nine hours daily and 30 min after lunch, Never miss breakfast. (IMPORTANT)

6. You can try homeopathic cell salts 1.Mag phos 6x (4 tabs 4 times a day) 2. kali phos 6x (4 tabs 4 times). They are extremely good for anxiety.

7. Don't spend your time alone at home busy yourself as much as possible and surround yourself with people during treatment.

8. Do your hobby or whatever you like to do. Don't stay idle.

9. Don't try to fight or oppose your thoughts. Tell yourself this is anxiety not reality.

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