Words conjure up so many images in our minds relayed from our own experiences and perceptions. So often when a word is used we tend to have a predetermined idea of what it means. So when I say nature to most people may think of wildlife and trees maybe the notion of being outdoors come to mind.
In truth there is far more to nature than being out in the wild. If I were to add the word human to nature we begin to think about behaviours of people. Which is still a very valid part of nature despite not necessarily being the first thought that comes to mind. We could be talking about the naturel order of the universe which is still embodying nature and in fact govens nature.
Nature refers to the naturel order something takes. If I were to take you back to human nature we might consider what we as a race do bad or the kindness we might exhibit but one more fundamental part of our nature is to learn and adapt. This is the strongest evolved human trait and it starts right from birth.
So it we are to truly understand what nature is we need to be accepting to the circumstances in which we came to be. That is not a question of beliefs but fundamentally what is happening and the order in which it happens.
Why? Because nature is a governing factor of the universe and not just the things we see outside. It is the formation of atoms, planet's, stars and galaxy's. And within those things are factors that goven us and the things around us.
This is my first writing experience here and what I am trying to do is summarise why it is that I consider myself an apprentice of nature. Not an expert but a student learning and making a life alongside natures order.
Please feel free to share your thoughts as your perceptions are a valuable asset to anyone willing to learn.