Vampire mtyh scientifically:

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2 years ago

Today, the vampire myth is experiencing a renaissance as the entertainment industry, but this myth once terrified several countries. What could be behind the legend of these blood-sucking, superhuman dead people, according to science?

With the development of medicine, researchers have found an explanation for the image of a bloodsucker hidden in the shape of a human being. One example is erythropoietic protoporphyria. It is a rare metabolic disease, usually transmitted by inheritance, caused by a disorder in the biosynthesis of heme. The look of a heme molecule is one of the included pictures.

To form (synthesize) this, it is done in the last step with the help of enzymes, and if these enzymes are missing, the porphin is not converted to heme, so the process involves the accumulation of porphin. This causes erythropoietic protoporphyria. This also means that the patient's skin color is wall white. Another major symptom of this is skin photosensitivity. The sunlight effect is well known in the vampire legend (the vampire is quite exposed to a little sunlight). This is because this disease causes the patient's skin to burn or blister even on a cloudy day due to ultraviolet radiation. Thus, these patients could not go out in the sun. This is also where the vampires come out and feed at night. Nowadays, these patients are advised not to leave their home during the day and are also prescribed a blood transfusion. However, before the era of modern medicine, patients had to cure themselves by sucking animal blood, usually at night. This is how the myth of bloodshed came into being.

It is often shown in the entertainment industry as a vampire turns into a bat. This refers to the Latin Desmodus rotundus, meaning the red-blooded bat (vampire bat). This bat species feeds on blood (daily dose 22 ml). Their victims are animals in all cases. The weakest point of the victim is found with a protein called heat-sensitive TRPA1. In addition, the species even uses two variants of this protein: TRPV1 and TRPV1-S. With the TRPV1-S, temperatures lower than 10 ° C are detected. Thus, they also see the hidden veins and arteries under the victim's thicker skin. This vision is almost exactly the same special vision that vampires use in the myth.

Influence on consciousness is indeed an existing phenomenon, it is not true in a strict sense. This is because it is a proven fact that there are people whose ability to observe is unparalleled. As they observe people, they immediately see things that they can use as a means of influencing and persuading in a conversation.

The explanation for the other superhuman abilities may be that people liked to go overboard about scary, unknown things. Later, these exaggerations grew into superstition and legend.

However, this is not the end of the story, as researchers have found ancient cells characterized by vampirism. By studying a fossil about 750 million years old, scientists have become aware of the microorganism, which was fed a eukaryote. Eukaryotes are living things that consist of a cell with a true nucleus. Fossils pierced in several places are the oldest evidence that some predators hunted eukaryotic organisms. That is, they were able to function like vampires and, in a sense, sucked out the “blood,” the sources of nutrients, of other living things. So these microorganisms pierced their prey and sucked out their intestines. The unparalleled discovery was made by paying attention to tiny, circular holes in the cell walls of many eukaryotic remains. Of course, at first glance, it was not possible to draw far-reaching conclusions from all this, but in further investigations it increasingly seemed that these holes were deliberately dropped on ancient beings. The apertures ranged in diameter from 0.2 to 2.9 micrometers, but the holes discovered on each fossil were roughly the same size. Numerous gaps narrowed toward the inside of the fossil, again suggesting an attack. From this, in theory, it could have evolved in the course of evolution, a more complex living being that is closer to the being in the vampire myth, but this has never happened and will not happen.

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