NFTs: What are you REALLY buying?

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3 years ago

NFTs are taking the world by storm!

Non-fungible tokens, mainly used for collectibles and art. People are buying into these digital keepsakes thinking they'll last forever.

But often, this isn't true.

Most people think that when they’re buying an NFT, they’re getting an image that will sit in their account on the website they purchased it from. But what they’re actually getting is a link on a blockchain. And links can break.

Some people's NFTs have been disappearing from their accounts, and some have been disappearing from the internet altogether!

I dive under the hood of NFTs with Aaron Gooch, CTO at Realio Fund, to talk about which NFTs will last forever, and which are vaporware.

There are many NFT platforms out there to be wary of. But for the record, I think that NFTs are super cool -- only if they're done properly and are actually decentralized and stored with redundancy and permanency! Check out beginner's guide to NFTs:

Written by Chris Karabats and Naomi Brockwell

Edited by Lee Rennie

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3 years ago


there is also NFTS out there that are stolen art. So, chances are you are not supporting the original artist, but an art thief. I heard there was this scandal how someone took the art of a dead artists and sold it as an NFT

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3 years ago


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