Father, family Hero

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1 year ago
Topics: Hero, Family, Father
Image from pixabay.com

What do you imagine when you hear the word hero? Maybe you want to imagine someone who defends the weak and oppressed and protects the people around him. The meaning of the title hero can be true even though basically the interpretation of the hero can be different for each person.

Heroes can be intended for anyone who we feel deserves to be called a hero. The title of hero itself can be meant broadly. The form of heroes is not just people who fight to protect their nation when they are at war or who wear special costumes with the main task of defending the truth.

What about someone who struggles to build and protect the integrity of the family? Can this person be called a hero? Parents are often referred to as a form of hero in the family.

The initial form that is often referred to as a family hero is usually a mother. Mother has had 9 months with a process and labor that was not easy accompanied by the pain she went through to give birth to us. But what about dad? The form of the father is often neglected because it is thought that the struggle he is going through is not as deep as the struggle of the mother. Meanwhile, the father is the backbone and protector in a household.

Then what makes you deserve to be called the hero of our lives? There are 2 things that underlie the:

Father are a great teacher and mentor

Based on the results of the survey that was tried, fathers like to teach their children the little things that mean such as fixing a flat tire, throwing a basketball, etc. The father is also less emotional than the mother and can lead by example and allocate time to teach various life skills.

Father are a great giver and protector

The survey results say that father are a form of hero in ycommitment to provide for family, moreover, he often risk a lot of things. Like many fathers who work 2 or more jobs to ensure that their family has adequate food and housing. Father also shared a sense of comfort and protection for his family.

These two things are the alibi of why father deserve to be called a hero and a form of guide and protector. This matter also fits with other research on the use of heroes. The research recognizes that there are 4 uses for heroes, namely for wisdom, moral modeling, self-improvement, and protection.

The arrival of the father is as meaningful as the arrival of the mother who gave birth to us. The father shares the position and education that the mother does not or does not often share with her child. From now on, let's say thank you and love to our father who has become a hero for the family.

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Written by
1 year ago
Topics: Hero, Family, Father
