Existence of a conscious being!!

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4 years ago

Since the beginning of time, the aspect of the existence of a conscious grand designer has dominated all areas of life and till today the question of how did we get here has remain the only question that we still can't answer. Many Scientist has believed that the universe came into existence out of nothing. And it was the force of gravity that gave order to chaos from an imperfect world.

I can recall a famous quote from the great max plank when he said,

  • All matter exist and originated by the virtual of a forces which brings the neuclus of an atom together, and behind these force there is an intelligent mind.

These quote has made me to do some thinking about the existence of a conscious being.

We as Scientist believe that Space,time, matter and energy all came from the big bang and that there was nothing outside the bigbang, and the universe expanded from the beginning and it is still expanding till date.

The big bang

Everything that the universe needed to survive till today all came from the matter and energy that existed at the beginning of time.

Stephen Hawking one of the most famous Scientist believe that gravity played an important role in the creation of the universe, which infact seems correct, but the existence of a conscious being was also being eliminated here and the grand designer was given to gravity.

Thought experiment

There are also some Scientist who have supported the view that there exist a conscious being and these was how they proved it

Let assume you have a room filled with aluminum materials and all the materials needed to build a fighter jet, these room has all the forces of nature as we all know, then you left the room for close to 1year , so when you return, are you going to meet A fighter jets build out of aluminum, the absolute answer is NO. Now in a second senerio in the same room , a conscious being was placed in the room, with all the materials needed for creation of the fighter jet. Given such time, when u should return you will have a fighter jet standing in the room.

It only takes a conscious being to bring order out of chaos. Well these questions of the existence of a conscious being has lead to the creation of Mind and matter. And does the mind affect matter. We can see these in many Scientific movies like Kyle xy where with only the mind you can control matter which are around you.

The existence of a conscious being is a wide topic that everyone has his or her own say, so these article is open to opinions and what your say on these.

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4 years ago


Interesting philosophical question you arise. I will not try to answer it, philosophy sometimes is about asking questions rather than answering them, questions that trigger the readers' thinking.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

and till today the question of how did we get here has remain the only question that we still can't answer

There are many more questions that we cannot answer.

Your thought experiment is not sufficient in my opinion. It only proves that a conscious being can create order out of chaos. But it does not prove that ONLY a conscious being is capable of this. Ants are also able to build an anthill out of chaos, but I would not call the ants conscious beings.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

What is your definition of consciousness

$ 0.00
4 years ago

According Wikipedia:

Consciousness at its simplest is "sentience or awareness of internal or external existence".


$ 0.00
4 years ago

Your own definition ,how do u define conciousness? Apart from the one Wikipedia defined.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I refer to general definitions in discussions whenever possible. I think that it does not go far if everyone uses their own definition. This makes communication more difficult.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Eliminate that view for a few minutes, let assumed conciousness has no definition, how will you define it, given the chance.. if Einstein has always believed in the definition of gravity by Newton, we may never have a new theory today.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Sorry, but I do not presume to compare myself to Einstein or Newton. I prefer to stick to accepted definitions rather than inventing my own

$ 0.00
4 years ago

All is well. Everybody has his philosophy of life. Maybe these is yours actually. Well it is cool

$ 0.00
4 years ago

These bring us to how we define conciousness and then extending it to animals, information has been passed down from generation to generation about how a ant should build an anthill,. There are levels of consciousness then I guess. You can say that the ant was concious of the necessity that it need a place to live. And if we traced the evolution of Ants and antshill we would notice a level of changes from how anthill are build compared to know.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

A conscious being is an existing being.

$ 0.00
User's avatar JL_
4 years ago

And thus why nobody can ever say that science has no "godly" figure in their midst when in fact science is working to prove that there is some being out there that create order out of the chaos. Though what you have in physics is beyond my reach right now 😅

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Its not the first time that the debate on Consciousness is happening. In fact Ancient Civilization like Indus Valley , Egypt, China and Mesopotamia were much more aware about existence of consciousness and matter. If you study Buddhism (Only the first religion to have scientific basis) in detail, you will surprise that it had already described MIND and MATTER Relation, Mind has 7 levels, Consciousness has levels, what we perceived as matter is nothing more but reflection of mind. As per my knowledge, this whole existence is divided into realms and each one is getting consciousness as per the one is existence in that realms. So does human have higher consciousness than animals. Not mere for thinking ability Humans are superior of all but rather due to higher consciousness and this higher consciousnesses is the source of thinking power.

$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

The shift from chaos to order is only possible through conscious being. You can enlarge this perspective for any aspect in your life. The concepts can be identified for several dimensions to solve our existantial cases.

$ 0.00
4 years ago