How to use the law of attraction to achieve your goals

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3 years ago

The Law of Attraction is a philosophy that you can be whatever you want to be if you put your mind to it. It teaches that the world, including all of life's circumstances, are the result of our thoughts and feelings.

The key to using the Law of Attraction lies in understanding this cycle and how your thoughts about yourself are constantly shaping who you become each day. With practice, your thoughts will eventually lead to what we call "good luck."

What we think about most often tends to come true for us over time. Our conscious and unconscious thoughts both play roles in attracting events into your life both good and bad and their combined power is an unstoppable force! This is why it’s so important to be aware of your thoughts.

If you want something to happen, you will have to place your attention on what you desire and envision that your wish is already a reality. When you actively focus upon creating positive outcomes with your thoughts, behaviors, emotions, actions, and words, your intentions outpace any limiting or negative thoughts.

Your expectations will bring you closer to the results you want because expectation is a powerful force in the universe that can see your goals.

This does not mean that you should spend the majority of your time looking at the worst-case scenario in any given situation; rather, expect the best at all times, and allow that positive energy to motivate you forward towards success.

Table of Content

  • The Three powerful principles of using the Law of Attraction

  • Ways you can apply this law in your everyday life

  • Examples of people who have used the Law of Attraction effectively in their lives, such as Oprah Winfrey, Steve Jobs, and Ellen DeGeneres

  • Tips on how to put this law into practice every day if you want to live an abundant life full of success and happiness!

The Three powerful principles of using the Law of Attraction

These principles teach us that we are ultimately responsible for our experiences in life because after all, it's only natural to take responsibility for what we create. This means that if something isn't good in your life, then stop creating it or change the way that you're thinking about it.

It is important that you understand three very powerful principles when using the Law of Attraction:

1) Your thoughts are powerful enough to change your life,


2) You get what you put in. In other words, if you want to use the Law of Attraction to improve your life, then you’re going to have to spend more time focusing on the thoughts that you want to attract.

3) And as cliché as this may sound, the third principle of the law of attraction is believing.

Ways you can apply this law in your everyday life

The easiest way to apply this law in your everyday life is by taking responsibility for your thoughts. You're the one thinking about things like how much money you want or what car you want to get. Simply focus on a positive thought and act accordingly. So if you want money, think of ways you can earn it, and take action! Also, find self-supportive people in your life who will help you stay motivated.

Some things you can do to practice the Law of Attraction and attract positive energy into your life include:

The law of attraction is not difficult to understand and its concept is something you have been using your entire life, whether you are aware of it or not! We all attract what we focus on.

When you think about someone, that person appears in your life. Do you think the thought "I hate my job"? Then guess what: more than it more likely your boss will be a jerk!

Do you always think about how stressed out you are with school? Then guess what: more than likely your grades will suffer and so all the extra time spent studying won't even matter.

It is very important to be aware of thoughts because they directly affect your conscious desires.

This law is incredible in that just by thinking of something good, a positive feeling is brought about and we are able to attract it into our lives. Although sometimes these things might not come immediately as we intend, the power of attraction is always there if you keep your thoughts in the present moment.

This law does work and I have personally used it to achieve many goals. I even got myself a new iPhone 11!

It doesn't have to be money or a new iPhone 11, it can be anything you want for your life.

Examples of people who have used the Law of Attraction effectively in their lives, such as Oprah Winfrey, Steve Jobs, and Ellen DeGeneres

Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey is a prime example of someone who has used the Law of Attraction effectively in her life. Oprah started off as a poor girl from Mississippi, but through hard work and perseverance, was able to become one of the richest women in the world. She started with a talk show and over time accumulated so much money and fame that she began her own TV network.

Steve Jobs

We can also look at Steve Jobs as another prime example of someone who has used the Law of Attraction. Steve had a dedicated dream to create his own company and despite being told it was impossible, he eventually succeeded. He started Apple with $1,300 and managed to turn it into a multi-billion dollar company through his creativity and passion.

Steve Jobs is someone who can be looked up to as a role model.

Ellen DeGeneres

Ellen DeGeneres is yet another prime example of someone who has used the Law of Attraction effectively in her life. Ellen was always scared to come out as gay because it would ruin her career. She eventually realized that she had no control over what others thought of her, so she stopped worrying and just did what made her happy. She came out on a photo shoot for a magazine and received backlash from the press. However, she used this as motivation to become successful in comedy to show them all!

And now look at her she is one of the most famous people in the world today and has a successful talk show.

Through all of this, the one thing she was able to do was control her own energy and thoughts. If you always care about what other people think of you, then you will never be happy with yourself because others might trash what you loved doing.

However, if we stay above all of that and have self-acceptance, then our energy will attract positive things.

Tips on how to put this law into practice every day if you want to live an abundant life full of success and happiness!

The law of attraction is a powerful rule that states that whatever you think about will manifest itself in your life. This can be used for good or bad, but it's worth noting that you will attract more things to you the more they are on your mind. We all have different thoughts throughout the day and we need to be aware of these thoughts because they affect what we do consciously and unconsciously.

It's important to remember that our thoughts are our own responsibility and we should embrace them; not change them. But in order for us to effectively use the law of attraction in our lives, there are some simple things that can be done like meditating, keeping a journal, and most importantly practicing gratitude.

With all three of these practices, we need to be aware of our thoughts throughout the day and release those that are not useful.

Taking action is one of the essentials in using this law effectively, but we should make sure that it is a positive action towards our goals. It can also help to create what's called an "affirmation". This means writing down things you want to manifest in your life and repeating it to yourself throughout the day.

This is great for creating new habits; however we need to be careful with using affirmations as if you are constantly thinking about something, you will eventually manifest it!

You can use this rule either positively or negatively depending on what goals you have for yourself. It's important to remember that there are always positive and negative things happening in the world, but if we stay positive, our energy will only attract more positivity.

My Verdict = Einstein End Game

A lot of people think that they are victims of their circumstances, but the reality is we all have power. We can use this law for good or bad; it's up to us on how we want our lives to turn out. The three main ways you can apply the Law of Attraction include meditating, journaling, and practicing gratitude.

With these practices in place, remember not only to take action towards your goals with positive thoughts but also release those thoughts if they're negative. It will help create new habits by repeating affirmations throughout the day-but be wary! You'll attract more positivity into your life as long as you stay positive about everything around you.

>Did you Know Worldwar I started on this date July 28 (1914)

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Thanks for Reading.. Cheers!!

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Avatar for NakamotoBch
3 years ago


What an awesome article!!! This should be mandatory reading in high school, and the way you wrote about it was easy to understand and follow. Keep up the awesome work, I have no doubt in my mind you can have whatever you set your mind to! :D

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks 😊 vibration for reading. Appreciated

$ 0.05
3 years ago

I love Law Of Attraction and I believe in it. That is the reason why I am able to earn BCH for example without investing any money. All my thoughts were all around crypto and I found this platform. I attracted it to me.

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3 years ago