Prostitution is the sale of a man's sexual organs to a man or a woman or a child (lesbian). The same can be said of the sale of a man or a gay person to a man or woman. This is done to the right to benefit by paying for this and also including commercial sex.
A person who acts as a prostitute, prostitute, white, "asshole" in modern taste or "tattoos" in old fashioned or "prostitute flesh", or is also referred to as "assailants". The legal nature of the practice differs from that of other nations, or even from one state to another. It can be tolerated and neglected, or is it a crime that is monitored or not practiced, or a profession that is tolerated and severely misunderstood by social media. It also includes hundreds of "elite professions". It is expected that profits from the worldwide prostitution business will reach $ 186 billion. It is estimated that there are more than 13.8 million in the prostitution business.