Viral hipatitis

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3 years ago

Hipatitis is the inflammation of liver which is caused by a group of virus called Hipatitis viruses . There are five different viruses which cause Hipatits . These viruses are Hipatitis A, B , C , D and E . Each of these viruses belong to different family e.g

Hipatitis A belong to Picornaviridea

Hipatitis B belong to Hipadnaviridea

Hipatitis C belong to Flaviviridea

Hipatitis D belong to Daltaviridea

Hipatitis E belong to Calciviridea

Function of liver

Lliver is the largest gland in our body and perform very important function in the body. Some function are given below

1): Storage of different substances (glycogen, vitamins etc

2): Metabolism of fat and sugar

3): Filteration of toxic substances

4): Disposal of metabolic wastes

Symptoms of Hipatitis

As I mention that Hipatitis is the inflammation of liver . So it mean that if a person has hipatitis his liver will not perform proper function, and he/ she have the following sign and symptoms

1): Fatigue

2): Myalgia ( joint and muscle pain)

3): Loss of appetite

4): Diarrhea

5): Fever

6): constipation

7): jaundice

8): Weight loss

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3 years ago
