Child marriage

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3 years ago

Child marriage is the formal or informal marriage of a minor. [1] The legal age of marriage is 18, especially for girls. But in special cases marriage is allowed even before this age subject to the permission of the guardian. Although the legal age for marriage is 18, some countries' own customs are more important than the law. [2] Child marriage affects both boys and girls. However, girls are more vulnerable, especially due to lower socioeconomic status. [3] [4] [5] In most child marriages, only one in two is a minor. Especially girls are more victims of child marriage. The main causes of child marriage are poverty, dowry, social norms, laws supporting child marriage, religious and social pressures, regional customs, fear of being unmarried, illiteracy and the inability of girls to earn a living. [6] [6]

Before the marriage, Marie Antoinette was presented to Luis Auguste. She was married on May 16, 180, at the age of 15.

For various reasons, the practice of child marriage has started long ago. These include poverty, insecurity, political and economic factors. Still developing countries, such as parts of Africa [7] [9], South Asia, [10] Southeast Asia, [11] [12] West Asia, [13] Latin America [14] and Oceania [15] Child marriage is very common in the country. However, even in developed countries such as the United States, legal exceptions do not require a minimum age in 16 states. [16]

Niger, Chad, Mali, India, Bangladesh, Guinea and some Central African countries have the highest child marriage rates, at over 70%. According to the 2003-2009 survey, child marriage under the age of 15 is over 20% in Niger, Chad, Bangladesh, Mali and Ethiopia. [17] [18]


In 1533, Emilia, a Saxon princess, married George, 48, a prince of the ancient Roman Empire, when she was only 16 years old.

Historically, child marriage has been a common practice worldwide. However, this practice is questionable in the twentieth century when the minimum age of marriage increased in different countries.

In ancient and medieval societies, girls were usually married off before puberty. In ancient Greece, early marriage and motherhood were encouraged. Even boys and their adolescents were encouraged to marry. Child marriage and adolescent pregnancy were very common.

In ancient Rome the age of marriage for girls was over 12 years and for boys over 14 years. Under medieval English law, marriage was universally recognized before the age of 18.


Most religions support the age of marriage. In Christianity, it is forbidden to marry a girl before puberty. In the Hindu Vedic script, girls are instructed to get married 3 years after the onset of puberty. Jewish experts discourage marriage before adolescence, but at the same time, in some cases, a father can marry a 3- to 12-year-old girl.

According to the Catholic Church, the minimum age for marriage is 14 for boys and 12 for girls. Later, in 1973, the revised age of 1918 was maintained at 18 years for boys and 14 years for girls. According to some Islamic marriages, it is customary to marry a girl under the age of 10. According to Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, the basis of Shariah law is the way of life of the Prophet (peace be upon him). He married his third wife Ayesha (R) at the age of 7 and started married at the age of 9. According to some mainstream Islamic thinkers, it is not a chronological age, but when parents consider a girl to be physically and mentally fit for marriage, that is the appropriate age for marriage according to Muslim religious law. However, it is difficult to determine. And according to the basis of Sharia law and according to most Muslim thinkers, it is acceptable to marry girls under the age of 13.

Gender discrimination

Child marriage in Christianity in the Middle Ages

Boy editing

Boys are sometimes married off at an early age. But according to UNICEF, "girls are relatively more vulnerable." The marriage rate of immature boys is slight. As of September, 2014, 156 million boys were victims of child marriage.

Girl Editing

The effects of child marriage on girls are long-term. Especially in the context of health, education and social development. Its effects are permanent after adolescence. Pregnancy and childbirth are the leading causes of death among 15-19 year old women in the developing world. In Niger, the world's highest child marriage, where 3 out of 4 girls get married before their 18th birthday.

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