23rd September: A Pashtun Culture Day:-

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4 years ago

We define culture as, "combinely the collective human behavior and their daily life activities". The existence and development of any society is all on the basis of its culture

Firstly congrats the pashtun cultural day to all pashtuns. Pashtun culture is extremely wide, ancient, and simple. Every culture has it's own distinctive feature, so we have also too many. On this special day Let me discuss some here. 

1) Jirga; A Public Court:-

Jirga is the gathering of senior as well as a junior citizen but generally lead by the senior and elders. It is arranged in order to solve, decide about any issue between the people. The decision made by Jarga is heartily accepted and be respected by both the involved parties. It is also established in order to propose any demand to the government. The Jarga is always helpful in solving severe cases of problems and controversies through conversation.

2) Outfit or dressing:-

The Pashtun culture is broadly been recognized by its dress up. Every age and gender of our society wear loosely sewed Shirts and paint known as "Qameez and Shalwar".  This type of clothing is still all followed in rural areas while somehow changed in the cities in a modern way.

3) A Turban:-

A Turban a sign of honor and respect. You will see an extremely low number of people who are above 50 and are without Turban. Though it's not just for old age people but also the younger can use. The younger usually used to wear it especially on culture day and while doing a cultural dance. While generally our younger use Chatralli and normal cap to cover their heads. Having Turban on the head always grant you an extra respect in society.

4) Hujra:-

A Hujra can be loosely translated as a social club. Hujra is usually a part villagers' tradition. It is a place where all the villagers get together in their free time that is usually night time. Hujra is used to join by the older, younger, and children equally. This gathering generates and teaches us all about love, brotherhood, unity, and sympathy for others. It is the place where we discuss every thick and thin associated with us and society. And combinely try to sort out the problems of anyone.  It is the place where the younger learn a lot from their older.

Btw Hujra is now in endanger form and been extinct in many areas.

5) Cultural Music and Dance:

Dhol(A double-handed drum), flute, and guitar is the main component of Pashto music. They are usually present in every Hujra of the village. And almost everyone there is Acquainted with its use. 

Along with music we have a beautiful culture dance known as Attan. Every stick fallen on the Dhol works as an invitee to join the dance. And believe me, no one could control his/her dance whenever it's drumming.

Besides all those features described above our culture is blessed with a lot more. But can't make it more lengthy.

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Avatar for Nadan_Wazir
4 years ago
