Digital Minimalism

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2 years ago

We were promised a utopia by technology.

To stay connected, use social media networks. Apps to help you organize your life, entertain your senses, and stay informed. To keep inboxes neat and tidy, use email clients. Streaming services allow you to watch or listen to whatever you want at any time (for a nominal fee, of course).

We are digitally connected 24 hours a day, seven days a week thanks to smartphones, tablets, and wearable technology.

It sounds fantastic in theory. A steady stream of useful knowledge, or something along those lines. In truth, living a constantly linked existence may be daunting and draining.

How do you unplug, though? How can you reclaim your life from the digital revolution and take charge of your usage of technology rather than letting it rule you?

You make a commitment to digital minimalism.

Digital minimalism

Digital minimalism is a philosophy that encourages you to consider which digital communication tools (and the behaviors that go along with them) add the greatest value to your life. It is inspired by the concept that removing low-value digital noise and maximizing your usage of the tools that matter can greatly improve your life.

Digital minimalism is about hooking into the technology that matters most in your life, rather than unplugging from all of it. And doing so wisely, according to a strategy you devised.

Digital minimalism isn't a collection of tricks to help you concentrate. It's a way of life for me.

What Is the Importance of Digital Minimalism?

Is it really necessary to get philosophical about how you utilize digital technology? Is it really necessary for you to scrutinize Facebook, Reddit, and Fortnite?

Yes, in fact. Keep in mind that almost all of these technologies are purposefully designed to consume your attention and keep you coming back for more. They want to be a part of your life as much as possible.

While significant soul-searching is unlikely, assessing how you interact with and use technology is essential.

And here's the thing: adopting a digital minimalism plan doesn't just mean cleaning up your digital life. It can also improve the quality of your life in general.

To be honest, statistics abound, and they all tell the same narrative. We spend the majority of our days disconnected from the actual world and plugged into the digital one.

The consequences could be disastrous.

Aside from the addicting tendency of continually gazing at our phones and seeking a high from social media or email, technology distances us from healthy physical relationships.

It also has a bad effect on our health.

Long-term usage of social media has been found to raise anxiety and lead to depression. Inability to break free from constant computer use impairs our ability to think critically or creatively, increases our risk of obesity, and causes sleep problems.

Too much time spent online may cause less gratifying and "empty" online relationships to take the place of essential physical bonds with family and friends. There are times when a like or a retweet is our sole means of good contact.

It's for this reason why digital minimalism is so vital.

It's not about unplugging, once again.

It's all about making the most of the technology that matters to you. It's about making wise, efficient, and effective use of technology. Instead than allowing technology to control your routines and social interactions, use it to better fulfill your needs and enrich your life.

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Written by
2 years ago
