Wild Life

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Avatar for NOmanktk
3 years ago

Good morning everyone from me. Hope everybody is well and happy. 

Today I am uploading a very important post titled Wildlife. Wildlife is a precious treasure of nature and it adds a lot to the natural beauty but nowadays it is hunted relentlessly which reduces their population.We must value this precious treasure and stop people from hunting because it is their genocide. 

The government is also taking a lot of steps in this regard and we should appreciate their steps but people Do not cooperate. Eventually the government built a variety of zoos to save this wildlife. Where they were kept in different cages. The government, on its part, takes full care of them, but because of them there is no natural environment so they are dying. 

However, if we want to save wildlife, we have to cooperate with the government and correct ourselves

$ 0.02
$ 0.02 from @TheRandomRewarder


The government is also taking a lot of steps in this regard and we should appreciate their steps but people Do not cooperate. Eventually the government built a variety of zoos to save this wildlife. Where they were kept in different cages. The government, on its part, takes full care of them, but because of them there is no natural environment so they are dying.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You have written it great

$ 0.00
3 years ago

nice write up buddy. we should try our best to save wild life.

$ 0.00
3 years ago