lost it all because I was very ignorant of its importance. Most of my peers have transitioned well and making it in life and at times I ask my self why. Yes, God's time is the best but if you don't prepare for that time you will definitely miss out. We must understand that this life is full of surprises. Honestly, I didn't prepare well enough because I had no respect for authority in my childhood and even my youth life was fully characterized by that.
Over the years I have changed from that attitude because i was no more living under oppression that evolved that character of mine. Lesson from my failure has really changed the very me. From losing my job to unsuccessful relationships. At a point no one wanted to help me, forcing me to live very isolated from family and friends. To others I am quite funny and welcoming but to those around me I was more like a jerk. Life has given me another chance by God's grace to become different. Have learnt alot from people who have exhibited a life worth imitating. The change has been very contagious and helped my siblings too.
I have taught them that the greatest investment for life is to respect everyone and not allow their ego to bring out the worst out of them. Everyone tries to turn from bad habits which were developed years but without God almighty it's sometimes difficult. Building back my faith in God was key to this transformation I see now. It's hard to believe all my radical lifestyle vanishe as if I never lived it. I culture children and even parents on the need to bring out the positivity in them. The life we live now has a great impact on our tomorrow.
Remember this, respect is the only free investment that has the greatest profit for mankind, without it, one may not achieve goals. Respect everyone regardless of whatever
When you give respect ,you receive doubles of it back.So always spread respect to earn more.