Life is unpredictable we don't what happen next, we must be prepared for every type of situation in our Life.
Sometimes we will face challenges and difficulties in our life but we have to be strong. Life is like a journey that has many exams too and we have to be strong to pass through all these difficult exams.
nowadays because of covid Life has became difficult for many people as they are loosing their jobs. In our schools many teachers have been evicted because of students withdrawall and my friend is among them💔
She was really heartbroken and upset, i was unable to console her as i was really sad too. But then many people came and they said that no one can take anything from you until its in your destiny so never feel dishurt because of people behavior. Life is like this but only those people succeed who have the courage to face and fight every type of situation. We must never loose hope as when one door cloase then 100 doors of opportunities get open for us. Keep believing in yourself and work hard, you will definitely get what's in your luck. Never ever loose hope Always keep your hopes high 💫
Good luck ❤
Whatever happens to our life, whatever comes on our way, we should never lose our hope