Fairyland Photography

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Avatar for NOmanktk
3 years ago

Hello everyone ! So the combination of title and given picture depicts something interesting. This picture is captured by me and this place is called "Neeli Patti". I don't know why the above mentioned name is given to this place but the picture shows us something beautiful. The path is naturally created by almighty GOD. When i visited this place i became so happy and astonished by the beauty of this place. Now come to the real reason why i gave this title. So, the reason is, when i was taking this pic, i got something in mind that the whole ground and fileds are covered with such beautiful flowers but the path is clear and shows someone walked across this path at night. Although i didn't hear any fabricated story but this scene was running in my mind so i thought let's just give this title. I don't know whether it seems interesting or not but i recollected the story of my mind. 

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the path is clear and shows someone walked across this path at night. Although i didn't hear any fabricated story but this scene was running in my mind so i thought let's just give this title. I don't know whether it seems interesting or not but i recollected the story of my mind.

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3 years ago

Whole area is covered with beautiful flowers Also this places name is so strange Neeli Patti" By the way name is so perfect fairland

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3 years ago