Virtual class room

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3 years ago

Hi guys,I'm robin &i'm a student of B.Ed honours govt.Teachers' Training College, Dhaka 1205.

Now i am telling about virtual class room.Our teachers are very good and puntuality and their work very good.especially my group teachers are very good they look after always in their class room. My friends are knowing this teachers and they are taken with my similar subject in Englis.

Virtual class is comeing from a great technology otherwise it’s not come. Now this time Covid-19 attacked our world. I think every country are bad positionin in their financial problem.

School, College are banned many times students can't go out easily and they can't togetherwith their friends and they spend boring time in his family and saty house day by day.

At this reason our government take this decision every student can take virtualclass.Every teachers do their activities fluently. Teachers give us teaching part of the lesson day by day and Alhamdulillah we take this lesson and learn many things in this class room.

Virtual are very good but it’s not better for all persons. Because of net problem,mb problem.some people are very poor they can't briag a smart phone. Some people have a smartphone because they have nothing huge money with his. So for this vitual calss are bad to this site.. At that moment our government take a dicition that student join their class with free internet and too bring a phone with their donate.

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Written by
3 years ago
