Fact check: do men cheat more than women in relationships!!
Starting from the creation of the world, even God that created the first human being which was a male, he created a female along side him, so they can be together and they can fulfill the world of God which is ' multiply the world'
However that is to say that relationship have been created ever since the begining of the world, and is still going till now. But during this period our relationship issues that lead to breakup nowadays are much and can't be compared to the olden days, people in relationship in this days have trust issues which later makes thier relationships to end in a bad manner.
There have been more argument between the female gender and the male gender about who cheat the most in a relation ship ?
Cheating has become our main problem in relationship, the ability of not keeping your eyes in your partner or not devoted to your partner have cause many breakup in relationship nowadays, and what can we do!!!!!!
Cheating can be inform of
Having and extra marital affair with another person, outside your relationship
Crushing on someone, who is not in your relationship, and that means you are tired of your partner in the current relationship.
Cheating can also be caused be seducing someone you know have a relationship. When you seduce the person, the person tends to like you the more thereby both of you begin to have a close relationship, and before we know, you will break up with the other gender.
Many argument have been made saying men cheats more than woman, and another one goes as woman cheats more than men. Which one do you support ?????. But to check out things to my own opinion man cheat in a relationship more than women.
Have you seen a devoted woman once, women tends to go deeper in a relationship, I mean once they fall in love their love is always deeper, and which makes them cry most when there is a break up issue .
To me woman can sacrifice anything in a relationship, but some guys are play boys, they tend to have more than millions of relationships, they will have so many girlfriends, all the name of fake relationship, so girls do fall in love easily. And once they fall in love it is very difficult for another opposite gender to come in between her and her boyfriend in a relationship.
Have you ever hear any name called 'play girls' no? Right, you can't hear something like that, I know some woman do cheat in thier relationship, but mostly money can cause this, some girls love money, so they tend to go for money rather than thier relationship....... So furthermore they break up with thier partner all because of money.....
So what do we think who cheats more in a relationship? If you could suggest any opinion you can list them in the comment section for people to read.........
What up guys how was today hope it went well, cause mine is going fine........... Just feel like going through this topic with you guys..... What do we think