Don't waste The Opportunity

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1 year ago

Opportunities are doors of greatness that God opens for any man. It is a pathway through which greatness is discovered. 

Every new day brings new hope and new opportunities to explore. Every opportunity has in it hidden seeds of greatness but every missed opportunity becomes a difficulty and a problem to solve.

Any opportunity that is well utilised will open doors to other opportunities but every missed opportunities will shut the door to other opportunities.

Unfortunately, a lot of people always fail to recognise opportunity when it comes because it may not come the way people expect it.

Inorder to recognize opportunities, we need to have proper information, work smart and position ourselves.

What OPPORTUNITY represents:

O: Organise Your Ideas

P: Purpose (Have a purpose)

P: Pragmatic (Be pragmatic)

O: Obedience (Be obedient)

R: Readiness (Be ready to act)

T: Timing (Don't procrastinate)

U: Unleash 

N: Nurture your ideas

I: Ideas (Have a good idea)

T: Tenacity (Don't quit)

Y:You (Make right choice)

The combination of these action words will help to sharpen the mind and position us rightly for opportunity.

Discovering opportunity requires purpose, time and tenacity. Every great invention or achievement is a product of a well utilised opportunity.

You can make good any opportunity if you decide to be productive and not looking for short cuts. Sometimes the pathway to opportunity may be tough and rough that's the reason we need to be persistent and never give up.

These opportunities are like mustard seeds scattered all over our bedroom. The sizes are relatively small. If you fail to look for it carefully, you may not see it.

Unfortunately, so many people prefer to travel to  distant land  in search of opportunities while they have thousands lying idle in their bedroom or environment. Your ability to discover the opportunity on time is the first step to success.

Opportunity is like a mustard seed requires time to be nurtured for it to grow. Just like a seed planted in the garden, if it is well taken care of, it will grow into a big tree and bear fruits but if you fail to give it the needed attention such as watering and weeding. It may die and leaves no impact.

More opportunities have been discovered from human mind than gold are discovered from earth.

This reminds me of a story about one farmer who heard tales about other farmers who had made million after they discovered diamond mines on their farmland.

These tales excited the farmer that he sold his only farmland and go in searching of a farmland with diamond mine to buy.

He sold his only farmland and spent the rest of his life wondering unsuccessfully in search of diamond mine.

The farmer who bought the farmland started investing his energy and time into his newly acquired farmland. One day while working on the field he discovered one of the largest diamond mine on the farmland. And his joy knows no bounds

The original owner of the farm after few years of wondering go frustrated and threw himself into a river and got drowned while the man that bought his farmland discovered diamond mines and was already making millions from it.

Discovering and utilizing opportunity requires patience, time and work. Don't waste the opportunity!

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1 year ago
