The social side of Teacher Turnover Closeness and Trust among

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3 years ago


Social conditions in school can influence teacher turnover. In this study, we use longitudinal data from 47 general and special education teachers in the same mind sized District in the Midwestern United States and employ survival analysis to identify the social conditions that the predicted turnover in teachers first five years on the job. Findings reveal that the quality of the teacher's relationships mattered more than the quality of their social ties. Specifically, teachers reporting higher levels of relational trust were significantly less likely to leave or move, while social network closeness did not significantly predict leaving or moving. Further, our finding that social education teachers were particularly susceptible to leaving or moving compared to their general education colleagues.

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Overview .A recent national study in the United States revealed a 30% turnover rate for teachers with three or fewer years of experience ( Carver-Thomas & Darling-Hammond, 2017), a statistic that aligns with turnover rates among beginning teachers globally (Cooper & Alvarado, 2006 Goddard &Goddard, 2006 Lindqvist, Nordanger & Garlossn, 2014).

Teacher turnover include both attritions that are leaving the profession and movement between schools as such movement has nearly the same effects on schools as.

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3 years ago