How To Boost Your Mood In 10 Minutes Or Less

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Avatar for Muzammil66
2 years ago

It may not be a lot of time, but it only takes 10 minutes to improve your mood and enjoy the rest of your day. So take 10 minutes of your precious time and try one of these many tricks to reduce stress, get more energy and boost your mood. With just a little effort, you'll be more vibrant, joyful, and positive, and these quick fixes will definitely leave you feeling better and in a mentally good place.

Stress and negative emotions are a natural part of life. The problem comes when those emotions start getting in the way of your productivity and success. When low energy drags you down, don't look to a candy bar, a cup of coffee, or an energy drink for a lift. The sugar and caffeine might give you an immediate pick-me-up, but after that quick high wears off, you'll crash and feel even more drained.

Here are 7 easy ways to boost your mood in less than 10 minutes.

1. Turn Up The Music

We all have those songs that just make you want to get up and dance! So why not do just that? Whether it's making a playlist of music that makes you smile or turning up the radio and rolling the windows down, music impacts our emotions.

Choosing the right music can change your state of mind, so select some good pick-up pick-me-up songs that will make you smile. And research behind music therapy shows that listening to music can improve mood, reduce anxiety and improve the overall quality of life.

2. Take A Break

Take a break, and while you’re at it, make sure to leave your mobile devices alone they need a break, too, probably. Disconnect from your work entirely for some time and treat yourself to a beverage of your choice; tea, coffee, or any other drink that lifts your mood instantly. 

How about walking your dog in the neighborhood? Or if you’re at your workplace, get up from your seat, and take a walk outside. Look up and gaze at the sky, inhale some fresh air, and notice the world go by. Be mindful, be present and enjoy this break from monotony; you’ve earned it.

3. Laugh A Lot

Even if you’re in a terrible mood, switch on an old episode of ‘Friends’ or whatever comedy floats your boat and you won’t be able to hold back the laughter. Since giggling has also been proven to increase dopamine in the brain the mood-enhancing chemical you’re almost certainly going to put a spring put in your step.

So even when it seems like there’s absolutely nothing funny in all of this world, busting out a big guffaw might just change your mind.

4. Reflect On What You’re Thankful For

It’s easy to always want more. Entrepreneurs especially get caught up in hitting ambitious goals, achieving faster growth, and outperforming the competition and sometimes rarely take the time to just stop and be thankful for everything they’ve accomplished.

Practicing gratitude helps people regain perspective and appreciation, knowing that they’ve been blessed with the success they’ve had so far and the success they’ll continue to have.

5. Find A Corner And Contemplate

There’s an overload of information over an unstable connection and people constantly need to be reminded to mute their mics because their family matters are in danger of becoming the next office joke.  

You’re mostly not sure what’s happening, leaving you in a flurry and mixed emotions and you can’t figure out how to make sense of things. Most of us are now accustomed to this adaptation, but the experience can be quite draining, and doing this daily can take a toll on you.

All we need is a good distraction, and nothing works better than finding a quiet space for yourself and clearing your head.

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2 years ago
