Turn your hobby into profession: Digital drawing

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3 years ago

Before diving into the discussion,let's elaborate what is digital drawing?

Digital drawing is a new way of drawing what uses digital softwares.You are drawing the same way ,you are using PC or mobile phone instead of traditional pens and papers.

If you are very passionate about drawing , also wanted to make it an earning source how you can do it.

Here are some of the great benefits of digital drawing:

1) Compatible to use in the digital platform:

Both professional and amateur artists want to use their artworks in practical life.When we art something we tend to make it relatable with the real life.

If we draw something or create something in the digital platform,we can use it for various purposes like logo designing, portfolio making,banner designing etc.

A lot of purposes can be dealt only by a digital version of artworks. Say someone created something in paper or canvas,it would be tough to use it in the digital platform.

Because .Jpg, .Png format are much more easier and very compatible to use in the digital platform.

2) Cost effective in comparison with the traditional drawing:

Digital versions of drawing are less costly. You don't need to buy papers, pens, pencils, colours or anything.You just install a drawing software in your mobile or PC you can just start drawing.

It saves your money. I use my mobile to draw. Here my mobile is my biggest canvas.I don't have to go outside to buy pen, pencils and colours. Though there are some softwares you need to buy.

You will pay for the software once.You don't need to pay for it every week.You have a phone ,you can start drawing anywhere and anytime.

Say you are on a long plane journey or a boring train journey,you can pass your boring time just drawing beautiful pictures.

You don't need to carry tons of drawing stuffs with you. Just your phone, drawing and you.

You are at home,passing a very boring time have nothing to do and don't want to go outside. You can make your boredom turn into a very quality time passing.

You don't need to think about running out of pens pencils or papers.You will never run out of papers in the digital platform. There tons of benefits digital drawing.

3) Easy to learn and user friendly program:

So before diving into the drawing,you need to learn drawing.In that case you can be a self learner.

How? You will find thousands of tutorial videos online,you will find some online drawing courses you can complete online.

The most important fact is everything is free. You don't have to go outside , you don't have to pay anyone to learn.

There are tons of digital drawing communities,who works hand to hand help each other.

You can start learning anytime and by completing courses you will be able to make artworks at your own.

Learning should interactive.The more you interact the more you will learn.In the drawing communities you will get the scope of interaction with the great artists all over the world and you will come to know a lot about them.

If you are drawing enthusiast why are you just sitting outside?

4) Can be an income source and a profession:

Yes you heard it right. Drawing can be your profession and your big income source.

As we are running towards digitalisation,we need more digital content,the truth there is lack of digital content creators.There is a huge market for the digital contents.

If you are creative enough,and can think out of the box surely can take a position in the digital drawing market and once you get your name written on the market you will never have to look back.

Most people take drawing as a favourite pastime or hobby. If you think turning hobbies into a great income source that drawing is the best way for you. Again I'm telling you there is a huge market of digital contents.

You can sell your artworks online. There are thousands of online marketplace and you will find a huge customer base there.

I will write the details about the market places in my next post later.

Say you are good at drawing facial expressions or human face. You can make money through portfolio making.

5) Diversified market:

First we have started drawing.Now let's see how we can use our drawings?

1) Portfolio making

2) Logo designing

3) Website banner / Facebook and other social media cover designing / Youtube channel thumbnail or cover designing

4) Business portfolio making/Logo designing

5) Drawing comics for the children's/book illustrating/ Cover image designing

6) T-shirt designing

7) Advertising

8) Different type of template making

Here are some of the most common ideas. There are more diversified market for the digital drawing contents.

You can make a quick buck just by illustrating a portrait. If you dig more into the market,you will see how much diverse is the digital drawing market.

If you are a drawing enthusiast,turn your hobby into a great income source.No more wasting time!

Good wishes for you.

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3 years ago
