Personality test:What kind of personality do you inherit?

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4 years ago

Let's play a game!Personality is a mixture of a person's physical,psychological and behavioural features and personality varies from people to people, culture to culture, hereditary to hereditary.In present time some modern psychologist classified types of personality according to a person's physical psychological traits.
According to Carl Jung:
Introvert Personality:
1. This type of person remains busy with only himself
2. Having no interest what others are thinking of talking,avoid social interaction
3.Self focused
4. Thougtful, emotional and loves to create a new world inside head
5.Creative and lack of coping skills
Extrovert Personality:
1. Totally opposite of introvert Personality
2.Very social and interactive
3.Having a close relationship with the outside world
4.Can cope up easily with new environment
5. Hate loneliness
Outside extrovert and introvert personality there is a new type of personality named Ambivert.
Ambivert Personality:
1. Same person but changes according to surrounding.Sometimes acts like introvert and sometimes acts like ambivert.
According to Psychologist Spranger, personality is of six types.
1. Theoretical: they are thougtful,logical and always seek truth.
2.Economical: They are focused on temporary life like money and heavily involve themselves with this.
3.Aesthetic: They are devoted to beauty,and seeks beauty in everything.
4.Social: They thinks that love is the only valuable thing exist in earth.
5.Political: They dominate over others.
6. Religious: They are influenced by religious beliefs and follows them.They believed in eternity.

So what kind of personality do you have?Are you an introvert?Tell me your results.Hope you liked my article and helped you.I will request you to give me your feedback.


Take love.

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Written by
4 years ago


I considered myself as ambivert personality. My moods depends on my surroundings.

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4 years ago

I am very thankful to you for your feedback. Best regards!

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4 years ago

o my dear brother , really awesome article , keep it up

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4 years ago

Thanks a lot for your feedback!I'm very pleased seeing your comments. But but but you skipped the main part!It's a game!You didn't tell me the results!

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4 years ago